HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice … · 2019-08-19 · 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (2024)

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (1)



NRS 235


Concepts of nursing practice IV

Fall 2017

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (2)



Course Number NRS 235 Course Title: Concepts of nursing practice IV



8 Hours: 3 Theory Hours

15 3 College Lab Hours

12 Clinical Lab Hours

Catalog description:

This course builds on all previous nursing courses to further refine and apply the concepts of nursing

practice in the care of diverse adult and pediatric patients with complex conditions. Application of

knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and a variety of clinical settings.

3 lecture/3 college laboratory/12 clinical hours

Prerequisites: BIO 104, BIO 201 with a minimum C+ grade, NRS 111, NRS 112, NRS 125, NRS 225

Corequisites: None

Required Textbooks and Materials:

Adams, M.L., Holland, L.N. & Urban, C.Q. (2014). Pharmacology for Nurses A

Pathophysiologic Approach. (4th ed.) Upper Saddle River: Pearson.

DocuCare for Clinical Documentation

HESI Online review course

North Carolina Custom Edition, (2015). Nursing Skills for a Concept-Based Approach to

Learning. New York: Pearson Learning Solutions.

North Carolina Concept-Based Learning Editorial Board. (2015). Nursing A Concept-Based

Approach to Learning, Volumes One & Two. Upper Saddle River: Pearson.

Pickar, G.D., Abernethy, A.P. (2013) Dosage Calculations. (9th ed.) Clifton Park: Thompson

Delmar Learning.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (3)


vSim – Simulation Software vSim for Nursing

NRS 235 Course Outline. Download from nursing website at

NRS 235 Lab manual. Download from the nursing website at

Recommended Textbooks:

American Psychological Association. (2010) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (6th ed.). American Psychological Association: Washington D.C.

Course Coordinator:

Lisa M. Dunn MSN/Ed, RN, CCRN, CNE, EdD (c)

Office: MS 149

Telephone: 609-570-3379

E-mail: [emailprotected]

Information Resources:

Nursing Program website –

Mercer Online (Blackboard) -

Evolve-HESI – (for case studies & practice exams)

HESI ONLINE review course

Pearson –

The mynursinglab resources will now be accessed using the above cite. The course

coordinator will be providing you with directions to access this cite.

NCSBN NCLEX-RN Detailed Test Plan –

General Education Knowledge Goals:

Goal 1. Communication. Students will communicate effectively in both speech and writing.

Goal 2. Mathematics. Students will use appropriate mathematical and statistical concepts

and operations to interpret data and to solve problems.

Goal 3. Science. Students will use the scientific method of inquiry, through the acquisition

of scientific knowledge.

Goal 4. Technology. Students will use computer systems or other appropriate forms of


HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (4)


technology to achieve educational and personal goals.

Goal 5. Social Science. Students will use social science theories and concepts to analyze

human behavior and social and political institutions and to act as responsible citizens.

Goal 8. Diversity. Students will understand the importance of a global perspective and

culturally diverse peoples.

Goal 9. Ethical Reasoning and Action. Students will understand ethical issues and


MCCC Core Skills:

Goal A. Written and Oral Communication in English. Students will communicate

effectively in speech and writing, and demonstrate proficiency in reading.

Goal B. Critical Thinking and Problem-solving. Students will use critical thinking and

problem solving skills in analyzing information.

Goal C. Ethical Decision-Making. Students will recognize, analyze and assess ethical

issues and situations.

Goal D. Information Literacy. Students will recognize when information is needed and

have the knowledge and skills to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information for college

level work.

Goal E. Computer Literacy. Students will use computers to access, analyze or present

information, solve problems, and communicate with others.

Goal F. Collaboration and Cooperation. Students will develop the interpersonal skills

required for effective performance in group situations.

Goal G. Intra-Cultural and Inter-Cultural Responsibility. Students will demonstrate an

awareness of the responsibilities of intelligent citizenship in a diverse and pluralistic society,

and will demonstrate cultural, global, and environmental awareness.

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

Guided by these principles and beliefs, Mercer County Community College provides a

program that prepares graduates who will function with technical competence within various

care settings. The graduate will:

Provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care in a variety of healthcare

settings to diverse patient populations throughout the lifespan.

Engage in clinical reasoning to make patient-centered care decisions.

Participate in quality processes to improve patient outcome.

Collaborate with members of the interprofessional team, the patient, and the patient’s support

network to provide patient-centered care.

Use information management principles, techniques, and systems, and patient care technology

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (5)


to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.

Assimilate leadership, management, legal, and ethical guidelines in practice as a professional


Course Student Learning Outcomes:

Provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care in a variety of healthcare

settings to clients with complex conditions across the lifespan.

Engage in clinical reasoning to make increasingly complex patient-centered care decisions for

clients with complex conditions across the lifespan.

Participate in quality improvement processes to improve patient care for clients with complex

conditions across the lifespan.

Collaborate with members of the inter-professional team, the patient, and the patient’s support

persons for clients with complex conditions across the lifespan.

Use information management (informatics) principles, techniques, systems, and patient care

technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.

Assimilate leadership, management, legal, and ethical guidelines in practice as a Registered


Evaluation of Student Learning / Grading Information

Course Requirements:

Students are expected to take an active role in the learning process. Assigned readings need to

be completed prior to the scheduled lab or class.

Completion of all tests, written assignments, and visual evaluations as listed in the course outline by weeks indicated and in accordance with Nursing Program Policies. It is the responsibility of each student to be up to date on all content in order to progress from one clinical experience to another. The student must comply with all visual evaluation schedules.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (6)


A comprehensive final examination will be given in week 12 on all course content. Weeks 13-15 will focus on HESI testing, leadership, and transitioning into practice. Attendance: Students in nursing courses are required to attend all lecture, college

laboratory and clinical laboratory sessions. Attendance records will be maintained. Please

review Nursing Program Handbook, Attendance Policy. Clinical absences for a 12-hour

clinical experience are the equivalent to two (2) absences and will be recorded as such.


Students in nursing courses are required to attend all theory, college laboratory, clinical

laboratory and observation sessions. Attendance records will be maintained. Please review full

attendance policy in the Nursing Program Handbook.

Theory: Classroom sessions are based on learning objectives from the course outline.

Classroom sessions are 3 hours per week. Textbook readings are assigned based on weekly

learning objectives listed in the course outline and should be completed prior to the class session.

Interactive learning activities will be included with each large class sessions. Cell phones should

be shut off during class sessions. During testing cell phones, or any other electronic device must

be turned off and placed in the front of the room with personal belongings. Recording any class

session is at the discretion of the instructor. Permission to tape should be obtained prior to the

beginning of class.

HESI Exam: There will be multiple HESI exams given in this course. Please refer to the course

schedule. These exams must be completed. These exams are web based which requires your

evolve login and password to access these exams. Students are expected to achieve a score of

850 on the med/surg and pediatric exams prior to the exit exams. The exam percentage scores

will be calculated into your final grade for the course. There are 55 questions on each exam,

including alternate format items. Students will have up to 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete

each exam. Students should bring earbuds or headphones to the exam. Students will be

required to complete the medical/surgical practice test and pediatric practice test,

which can be accessed on the evolve website under “case studies” before they will

be able to sit for this HESI exam. If you need additional assistance in accessing the case

studies or practice tests, please see the NRS 235 course coordinator.

Two HESI RN EXIT exams will be administered during NRS 235. Please see the course outline

to see the week they will be administered. The exams are created to reflect the NCLEX-RN

exam and scores are predictive of success on the exam. Research indicates that a raw score of

900 on the HESI Exit Exam indicates 96-99% estimated prediction of success on the NCLEX

exam. There are 160 questions on the exam, including alternate format items. Students will

have up to 4 hours to complete the exam. Students should bring earbuds or headphones to

the exam.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (7)


HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during NRS 235. The

expected benchmark for satisfactory performance on this exam is a raw score of 850-900.

Students not achieving a score of 850 are highly encouraged to access individualized content

remediation via the evolve website. The date and time of this exam will be forthcoming.

HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 2: This web exam will be administered at the end of the

course after individualized remediation based on the version 1 score has been completed. The

benchmark for this exam is a raw score of 900. Students not achieving the benchmark score of

900 will be required to seek additional remediation with the nursing remediation specialist,

Professor Sue Minkel.

Completion of both HESI RN EXIT Exams (Version 1 & 2) are required to successful

complete NRS 235. If the benchmark score of 900 is not achieved on the Version 2 exam,

further remediation will be required.

The following evolve practice tests located in your assigned Case Studies and Practice Test

course ID will help prepare you for the HESI EXIT RN exams:

Comprehensive Exam: (3 versions available 125 questions per version) One of these

comprehensive exams are required to take each of the Exit HESI exams.

Management of Care: 29 questions

Pediatric: 84 questions

Pharmacology: 68 questions

Medical-Surgical Nursing: 123 questions

Community Health Nursing: 34 questions

Fundamentals: 87 questions

Summative Dosage Calculation Exam Requirement: Students are expected to achieve 100%

on the summative dosage calculation exam that will be given during the first week of the course.

The exam will consist of 20 questions and is reflective of the various types of dosage calculation

problems learned throughout the program. The exam will be administered in the campus

Academic Testing Center (ATC). The exam will be available to students from 8/29/17

through 9/9/17. No testing appointments are required. Simple function calculators will be

provided by the ATC. The exam will not be timed.

Students not achieving the required grade of 100% on the exam will be required to remediate

with one of the course instructors and then re-test. A signed form proving remediation must be

handed to the course coordinator before taking the second version of the exam. If a

student is unsuccessful on the second attempt, they must see the nursing director. All NRS

235 students must achieve 100% on the dosage exam prior to the end of the course to receive a

passing grade for NRS 235.

Evolve Cases Studies:

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (8)


For additional academic support, students are encouraged to complete the six (6) Evolve-Elsevier

Management Case Studies. The case studies will help reinforce leadership concepts and promote

clinical decision making skills.

Management of the Medical Unit

Management of the Surgical Unit

Management of the Pediatric Unit

Management of the Oncology Unit

Management of the Skilled Care Unit

Management of the Emergent Care Clinic

In addition, students are encouraged to complete these specific Evolve-Elsevier Case Studies:



-Natural Disaster in a small community

-Chronic kidney disease

-Chronic pancreatitis



-Spinal cord injury

-Traumatic brain injury

-Sickle Cell Disease





College Lab: This weekly lab is designed to help the student in application of prioritizing,

critical thinking, problem solving, planning, and application of patient care in a controlled setting

using case study, simulation, and critical thinking. Weekly readings, objectives, and activities

will be highlighted in the NRS 235 course outline and lab manual. Assigned readings will be

taken from your formal text workbook and relevant journal articles.

Clinical Lab: The clinical laboratory provides students with the opportunity to provide care to

patients in order to meet course goals. Preparation for clinical lab will focus on clinical

objectives listed in the course outline. The clinical lab is held at the assigned clinical facility. In

general, during the clinical lab, students are expected to:

Clinical Experience: (on clinical unit)

A. Receive report on assigned patient, review medical record.

B. Assess your assigned patient.

C. Revise your preliminary plan as needed using data obtained in report, from the medical

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (9)


record, and your assessment of the patient.

D. Implement the nursing plan by caring for your patient demonstrating proficiency in nursing

skills and seeking help from your instructor. (Refer to weekly clinical objectives in course


E. Administer medications as assigned by clinical instructor and coordinated with primary RN.

F. Report assessment findings to appropriate assigned nursing staff in a timely manner.

G. Document assessment and care in DocuCare. Please see instructions below.

H. Patient information received during clinical lab is to remain confidential at all times. Patient

records are not permitted to be photocopied.


There is no preconference in NRS 235. Students are expected to be able to care for any patient

assigned by the clinical instructor.

Post Conference: One Hour:

A. Review and evaluate the care given and the patient's response to care plan.

B. Discuss revisions that should be made in your plan to improve care.

C. Discuss application of clinical objectives to your patient.

DocuCare – Clinical Documentation :

All nursing students will be documenting their clinical experiences in DocuCare. This applies to

all semesters, all courses. Therefore, all students are expected to purchase a DocuCare learner

license. Student license access to DocuCare EHR virtual simulation software will be available

for purchase on using the instructions below. Limited licenses are

also available in the college bookstore. For the best value, students should purchase the


Students entering NRS112 DocuCare 2 year learner license

Students entering NRS125 DocuCare 18 month learner license

Students entering NRS225 DocuCare 1 year learner license

Students entering NRS235 DocuCare 6 month learner license

To purchase course access online you will need to register for an account on the Laerdal


1. Visit

2. Click on ‘Products & Pricing’ from the menu bar

3. Choose the DocuCare product and ‘Add to Cart’

4. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (10)


*Once you create your account, please take note of your Customer Number and Password for

future purchases. The student access code is nontransferable and can only be used during the

access period depending on the module selected. To access your course material after you

purchase, follow the steps detailed in your order confirmation email.

vSim – Simulation Software vSim for Nursing

vSim for Nursing is simulation software that students will use throughout the program. All

students are expected to purchase vSim® for Nursing Medical Surgical. Student license access

to vSim® for Nursing online, virtual simulation software will be available for purchase on using the instructions below. Limited licenses are also available in

the college bookstore. To purchase course access online you will need to register for an account

on the Laerdal website.

1. Visit

2. Select the Medical-Surgical module.

3. Click on ‘Products & Pricing’ from the menu bar

4. Choose the vSim student license and ‘Add to Cart’

5. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout

6. Enter Promo Code Mercer2017 at Checkout

*Once you create your account, please take note of your Customer Number and Password for

future purchases. The student access code is nontransferable and can only be used during the 2

year access period. To access your course material after you purchase, follow the steps detailed

in your order confirmation email.

Testing Procedures

The course theory exams will be given during the first hour of lecture. Final exams will be given

according the final exam testing schedule. Students will have 1.5 minutes per question and 2

minutes per drug calculation question to complete the exams. All belongings, including but not

limited to backpacks, books, purses, cell phones, and electronic devices are to be placed in the

front of the lecture hall. Seating during the exam is at the discretion of the instructor or exam

proctor. All cell phones are to be turned off during the exam period and stored at the front of the

lecture hall with the rest of your belongings. All coats and hats are to be removed during the

exam period. Please refer to nursing program testing policy in the Nursing Program Handbook

for further information.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (11)


Determination of NRS 235 Grade:

In order to receive a grade in NRS 235, these criteria must be satisfied:

(A) Tests, assignments, and HESI exams must be taken as scheduled. A grade of 77% or better

should be maintained on all tests.

(B) Students must meet all the clinical objectives.

When all course criteria have been met, the student will be assigned a grade as outlined in

Evaluation of Student Learning - Grading.


Pediatric HESI-5%

Med/surg HESI-5%

Unit exams- 45% (15% each of three exams)

Final Exam- 30%

HESI ONLINE Modules-5% (must receive 80% or greater on all modules)

Exit HESI V2-10%

Grading Scale:

A = 93% - 100%

A- = 90% - 92.99%

B+ = 87% - 89.99%

B = 83% - 86.99%

B- = 80% - 82.99%

C+ = 77% - 79.99%

C = 70% - 76.99%

D = 60% - 69.99%

F = 0% - 59.99%

77% or a C+ is the lowest acceptable passing grade for students in all nursing


I = Incomplete

W = Withdrawal

WI = Withdrawal Instructor Initiated

WA = Withdrawal Administration Initiated

U = Unsatisfactory

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (12)


Grades will not be rounded.

Grading Information:

Student learning will be evaluated by a unit exams, HESI exams, and a cumulative final exam.

In the case where a student misses an exam, a make-up test will be administered at the discretion

of the instructor. The student must notify the instructor in advance of the

scheduled test of a student’s inability to take an exam as scheduled.

Failure to notify the instructor will result in a 0 grade for the exam.

Additionally, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the

instructor if they are too ill to take the exam prior to the exam.

All tests are scored on Scantron forms. The Scantron sheet stands as the formal grade.

Please have a #2 pencil available for testing.

All cell phones must be turned off and stored with student belongings during testing.

The unit exams will contain multiple choice format or multiple response format questions

and will include fill-in dosage calculation problems.

The final exam will consist of multiple choice formats or multiple response format questions

and will include fill-in dosage calculation problems.

After testing, all Scantron forms are secured in the nursing office.

Please refer to the nursing program testing policy in your program handbook for more

information on testing.

Testing Schedule:

HESI exams given (weeks 5, 7, 11, 14, and 15)

Unit Exams (weeks 3, 6, and 9)

Final Course Content Exam (week 12)

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (13)


Academic Honesty:

Academic honesty is important to the learning organization's purpose of helping learners to

develop critical, independent thinking skills and habits. Cheating and other forms of academic

dishonesty run counter to this purpose and violate ethical and intellectual principles; they are

therefore subject to penalties. For purposes of this course we will define academic dishonesty as:

Plagiarism: Presentation of work that originates from another unacknowledged source as one's

own. Presenting someone else's ideas, argument, or information verbatim (or close to verbatim)

without acknowledgement of the source in assessments, papers, or discussions, constitutes



a) Giving, receiving, or using, or attempting to give, obtain, or use, unauthorized information or

assistance during an assessment or an examination

b) Obtaining or conveying, or attempting to obtain or convey, unauthorized information about an

assessment or examination questions

c) Giving or receiving assistance on an essay or assignment that goes beyond that specifically

allowed by the instructor (this includes buying and selling, or attempt to buy or sell essays and/or

research assistance relating to course assignments)

d) Impersonating someone else or causing or allowing oneself to be impersonated in an

examination, or knowingly availing oneself of the results of impersonation

e) Presenting a single piece of work in more than one course without the permission of the

instructors involved

Academic Integrity Statement:

Mercer County Community College is committed to Academic Integrity – the honest, fair and continuing pursuit of knowledge, free from fraud or deception. This implies that students are expected to be responsible for their own work, and that faculty and academic support services staff members will take reasonable precautions to prevent the opportunity for academic dishonesty.

The college recognizes the following general categories of violations of Academic Integrity, with representative examples of each. Academic Integrity is violated whenever a student:

A. Uses or obtains unauthorized assistance in any academic work.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (14)


Copying from another student’s exam. Using notes, books, electronic devices or other aids of any kind during an exam when

prohibited. Stealing an exam or possessing a stolen copy of an exam.

B. Gives fraudulent assistance to another student. Completing a graded academic activity or taking an exam for someone else Giving answers to or sharing answers with another student before, during or after an

exam or other graded academic activity. Sharing answers during an exam by using a system of signals.

C. Knowingly represents the work of others as his/her own, or represents previously completed academic work as current.

Submitting a paper or other academic work for credit which includes words, ideas, data or creative work of others without acknowledging the source.

Using another author’s words without enclosing them in quotation marks, without paraphrasing them or without citing the source appropriately

Presenting another individual’s work as one’s own. Submitting the same paper or academic assignment to another class without the

permission of the instructor. D. Fabricates data in support of an academic assignment.

Falsifying bibliographic entries. Submitting any academic assignment which contains falsified or fabricated data or

results. E. Inappropriately or unethically uses technological means to gain academic advantage.

Inappropriate or unethical acquisition of material via the Internet or by any other means. Using any electronic or hidden devices for communication during an exam.

Each instructor and academic support service area is authorized to established specific guidelines consistent with this policy.

Consequences for Violations of Academic Integrity

For a single violation, the faculty member will determine the course of action to be followed. This may include assigning a lower grade on the assignment, assigning a lower final grade, failing the student in the course, or other penalty appropriate to the violation. In all cases, the instructor shall notify the Chair of the Academic Integrity Committee of the violation and the penalty imposed.

When two (or more) violations of academic integrity are reported on a student, the Academic Integrity Committee may impose disciplinary penalties beyond those imposed by the course instructor/s. The student shall have the right to a hearing before the Academic Integrity Committee or a designated subcommittee thereof.

Appeals. The student has a right to appeal the decision of the instructor, or the Academic Integrity Committee. Judicial procedures governing violations of Academic Integrity are contained in the Student Handbook. Approved by Board of Trustees May 18, 2000 Amendments by AIC 1/26/2004

ADA Statement:

Mercer County Community College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students

in all activities, programs and services. If you have a documented differing ability or think that

you may have a differing ability that is protected under the ADA and Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act, please contact Arlene Stinson in LB 216 [emailprotected] for information

regarding support services.


HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (15)


If you do not have a documented differing ability, remember that other resources are available to

all students on campus including academic support through our Academic Learning Center

located in LB 214.

The Nursing Program Handbook Information Packet:

Each nursing student receives a copy of this handbook, is responsible for the information

contained in the handbook, and is expected to comply with requirements and policies.

Week objectives

CLO1: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to



Week 1





Review 599-605

Read p. 1217-1234

Read p. 1076-1083

Read p. 1138-1144


Review chapters

25, 26, and 27.

Read chapter

13 and 28


Go under client

need. See Live

review video on

shock and DIC.

Go under content

area. Go under

Module 7-critical











coagulation (DIC)

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (16)


care. Go under



Week objectives

CLO2: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to



Week 2



Sensory perception




Read p. 906-918

Read p. 1331-1336


Chapter 21

Evolve case study:

Spinal cord injury


Go under content

area. Go under

module 6- child

health. Go under


Approach to the

multisystem patient

Spinal cord injury

Neurogenic shock


Cerebral Palsy

Spina bifida

Muscular dystrophy

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (17)


neurological and

cognitive. Pay

special attention to

the spina bifida.

Week objectives

CLO3: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to



Week 3







Review 953-1005

Read p. 1210-1217


Review chapter 39


Go under Content

area. See module

5- Adult Health.

Go under


disorders of the

adult client.

Go under client

need. See live

review videos. Go


Acute respiratory

distress syndrome



Pulmonary emboli

Acute Asthma

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (18)


under chest tubes.

Go under content

area. Go under

module 6- child

health. Go under

throat and


Go under content

area. Go under

module 7-critical

care. Go under

basic life


onary resuscitation.

Go under concepts.

Go under HESI

concepts. Go under

Biophysical. Do



Vernon Watkins





Jennifer Hoffman

Acute Severe


Vincent Brody

COPD spontaneous


HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (19)


Week objectives

CLO4: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to sensory

perception and intracranial



Week 4






Read chapter 11,



Review chapter 15

Evolve case study:

Traumatic brain



Go under client

need. See Live

review videos. Go

under Head injury.

Go under content

area. Go under

module 5- adult

health. Go under


disorders of the

adult client.


Traumatic brain



Brain tumors



HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (20)


Week objectives

CLO5: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to cellular



Week 5










to attend



have a

Wed. or

Fri. lab.


Cellular regulation



Review p. 42-76

Review p. 92-104

Read p. 119-126

Review p. 464

Read p. 787-788

Read p. 676-685


Review chapter 37,

and 40

Evolve case study:

PUD, Pediatric

sickle cell

Pediatric practice



Go under content

area. Go under

module 5- Adult

health. Then go



disorders of the

adult client.

To help you prepare

for the pediatric



Sickle cell crisis

Gastrointestinal (GI)


Peptic Ulcer disease




Malignant Myeloma

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (21)


Online course has a

whole section on

pediatrics for you to

review. Also, in

the HESI case

studies there is a

pediatric practice

exam you must


CLO6: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to


Week 6






Read 1070-1076

Review 1105-1129

Read 1178-1198


Read chapter 29

Evolve case study:



Go under client

need. Go under

live review videos.

See dysrhythmias.

Go under content

area. Go under

modoule 5. Do


HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (22)



disorders and

hemodynamics of

the adult client


Carl Shapiro Acute


Infarction: VFib

CLO7: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to

metabolism, digestion and acid base.

Week 7



exam to

be given






to attend



have a

Wed. or

Fri. lab.



Acid Base



Review 780-790

Review 207-245

Read 245-251

Review 746-780


Review chapters

18, 30, and 44

Evolve case


Chronic pancreatitis



Liver Disease




HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (23)


Also, you must

complete one of the

three HESI


exams to prepare

for the med/surg

HESI exam.


Go under content

area. Go under

module 5-adult

health. Go under

endocrine disorders

of the adult client


CLO8: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to

digestion and elimination.

Week 8




Review pages 619-


Read pages 374-404

Read pages 669-676


Review chapters 23

and 24

Evolve case study:

Chronic kidney



Renal failure

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (24)


Go under Content

area. Go under

module 5- adult

health. Go under

renal and urinary


Go under content

area. Go under

module 6- child

health. Go under

renal and urinary.

Go under content

area. Go under

modoule 5. Do


disorders and

hemodynamics of

the adult client


CLO9: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the Lifespan related to tissue


Week 9



Tissue Integrity



Read p. 1464-1487


Review chapter 18

and 24

Go under concepts.

Go under HESI

concepts. Go under

Biophysical. Go

under Tissue

Integrity. Go under

Adult Health

condition. Do burn


HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (25)



CLO10: Apply the nursing process

for patients with high acuity acute

and chronic complex conditions

across the lifespan related to

immunity, infection, and


Week 10


immunity, and




Review p. 437-456

and p. 670

Read p. 456-480

Read p. 509-518

Review p. 599-604

Read p. 174-184

Read p. 1157-1162

Read p. 397-399


Read chapter 32

and 36

Evolve case study:



syndrome (AIDS)


Systemic lupus

Erythematosus (SLE)

Tick borne illness

Organ transplantation

End of life

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (26)




Go under concepts.

Go under HESI

concepts. Go under

Biophysical. Go

under Immunity.

Go under Adult


CLO11: Apply principles of

emergency preparedness to safely

navigate the care of individuals in

the healthcare system while using

the nursing process.

Week 11


Exit 1

exam to

be given


lab time.




Read p. 2608-2618


Read chapter 12

Evolve case study:


Natural disaster in a

small community

You must complete

1 of the three HESI


exams to prepare

for this exam.


Go under client

need. Go under

live review videos.



HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (27)


Go under triage.





Week 12

No lab. NCLEX

preparation starts.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (28)


CLO12: Practice safely and ethically

within the healthcare system

according to the nurse practice act,

healthcare policy, and national

patient safety goals.

CLO13: Collaborate with the

interprofessional healthcare team to

advocate for positive individual and

organizational outcomes.

CLO14: Employ mechanisms of

quality improvement, cost effective

nursing strategies and current

technologies within the healthcare


CLO15: Incorporate informatics to

formulate evidence-based clinical

judgments and management


CLO16: Apply the essential aspects

of delegation within nursing


CLO17: Evaluate delegated tasks to

ensure correct completion of


Week 13



All students

expected to attend

Monday, Nov. 27,

Tuesday, Nov. 28,

Wednesday, Nov.


from 4pm-10pm

every day.


Legal issues


Health care policy


Go under concepts.

Go under HESI

concepts. Go under

Healthcare. Do

Health Policy,


gal issues.

No clinical and no lab

this week. Continue

NCLEX preparation.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (29)


CLO12: Practice safely and ethically

within the healthcare system

according to the nurse practice act,

healthcare policy, and national

patient safety goals.

CLO13: Collaborate with the

interprofessional healthcare team to

advocate for positive individual and

organizational outcomes.

CLO14: Employ mechanisms of

quality improvement, cost effective

nursing strategies and current

technologies within the healthcare


CLO15: Incorporate informatics to

formulate evidence-based clinical

judgments and management


CLO16: Apply the essential aspects

of delegation within nursing


CLO17: Evaluate delegated tasks to

ensure correct completion of


Week 14




lab time.


Health care systems

Collaboration and





Go under concepts.

Go under HESI

concepts. Go under

nursing. Do

Clinical decision-







HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (30)


CLO12: Practice safely and ethically

within the healthcare system

according to the nurse practice act,

healthcare policy, and national

patient safety goals.

CLO13: Collaborate with the

interprofessional healthcare team to

advocate for positive individual and

organizational outcomes.

CLO14: Employ mechanisms of

quality improvement, cost effective

nursing strategies and current

technologies within the healthcare


CLO15: Incorporate informatics to

formulate evidence-based clinical

judgments and management


CLO16: Apply the essential aspects

of delegation within nursing


CLO17: Evaluate delegated tasks to

ensure correct completion of


Week 15




2 will be




Evidence based





Evolve case


You must complete

1 of the 3


exams to prepare

for the exit HESI



Go under concepts.

Go under HESI

concepts. Go under

Healthcare. Do

EBP, QI, and




And resume.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (31)


HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice …· 2019-08-19· 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (32)


HEALTH PROFESSIONS NURSING PROGRAM NRS 235 COURSE OUTLINE Concepts of nursing practice … · 2019-08-19 · 7 HESI RN EXIT EXAM Version 1: This web exam will be administered during - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.