AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (1)

November 2012

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (2)

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AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (3)

In the end, it was the autumnal colours inthe picture of Jonathan Lucas at the Warnham Park Estate that settled it. Thered colours of the Museum were perfect and were even enhanced byJonathan’s rather bright orange trousers!It was not the intention to use this a covershot, as the original image was actually alandscape shape and showed much moreof the museum, decorated with deerantlers. We had really only decided to visitthe museum as the bad weather was

limiting what we could do in the park itself.Jonathan is pictured leaning against an1897 Fire Engine, which once made it allthe way to Shipley in response to a ?re atKnepp Castle. Toby did have to positionhimself so that the antlers didn’t appear tobe coming out of the side of Jonathan’shead!There were alternative options. Toby reallyliked the image of David Hellyer’s puppet,Pierre -even placing the puppet’s hat overthe AAH logo before I rejected the idea.

Lives Less OrdinaryI hate to name-drop, but then again, no Idon’t...I was fortunate enough to meet Sir TomStoppard, the writer who is perhaps bestknown for his work on Shakespeare inLove.He was talking to Christ’s Hospital pupilsin October. Ever since we put a featuretogether on the school last year, Toby hasbeen invited back on many occasions tophotograph various events. I tag alongoccasionally.Anyway, what was intended to be aproper interview with Sir Tom became aninformal chat about journalism. He hadbegun his career as a reporter on a localpaper in Bristol and he was keen to knowmore about AAH.It was interesting to hear his views. In aroundabout way, Sir Tom explained thathe has no plan when writing a new play,but that ideas develop and constantlyevolve. “The next challenge is the nextline,” he said. This was hugely reassuring for me, as Idon’t have a clue what we’ll be doing oneday to the next...Nonetheless, we’ve somehow managedto cobble together another edition.We’ve interviewed some fascinating people this month, all doing what theylove to do - something we should all aspire to. What’s the point otherwise?We met David Hellyer, who has created

Ben Morris (All AAH Editorial & Advertising) and Toby Phillips (All AAH Photography)

puppets used to entertain children all over theworld (page 16), chef Scott Hallsworth who haschanged our perception of Japanese cuisine(page 34), and Jonathan Lucas who hasdevoted his life to the pursuit of creating theperfect deer (page 48). I hope you enjoy reading about these remarkable people as much as Toby and I enjoyed putting the articles together.

This month, we’ve learnt that 50 points makesan ugly antler, that Su Pollard really does talklike that, that Hendrix’s old guitars are worthmore than Clapton’s and that ?nding the right@eece fabric for a Kermit puppet is extremelydi>cult.If any of that sounds remotely intriguing, doread on...

Cover Story

Ben, Editor

Our Biggest Print Run Yet - Now over 12,250 copies

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (4)

Editor: Ben [emailprotected] 878026 / 01903 892899

Advertising: Kelly [emailprotected] 878026 / 01903 892899

Photography: Toby Phillipstobyphillipsphotography.co.ukinfo@tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk07968 795625

ContributorsJeremy Knight (Historic images and text for article on Horsham’s Window Displays

Additional thanks to...

Jonathan Lucas of Warnham Park, Loti Dutton ofLori White PR, Ian Ford (Horsham Table TennisClub), Ben’s Mum and Dad for Proof Reading(please blame them for any grammatical errors)

Door-to-Door Delivery teamThe Paterson family, Geo? Valentine, AndrewPrice, Trish Fuller, Sarah Guile, Amy Rogers, LauraHarding and Cara Cocoracchio (all Horshamrounds), Anna Laker and Alex Besson (Billingshurst), Jamie Towes, Shaun Bacon andEddie Robinson (Southwater), Jack Barnett(Monks Gate/Mannings Heath), Karen Parnell(Warnham), Will Smith (Ashington), Roger Clark(Partridge Green and Cowfold), Reece Elvin (Slinfold), Ben Morris (Tower Hill, Rookwood, DialPost, Crabtree), Toby Phillips (Town Centre), Herbie Whitmore (West Grinstead), Ben’s

Grandma (Wisborough Green)AAH is available to pick up for free in stands atSakakini (Carfax ), Artisan Patisserie (MarketSquare) and Horsham Museum.

WebsiteRun by Mi-Store of Brighton. Read all of our editions at www.aahorsham.co.uk

AAH Magazine is an independent publicationowned by B. Morris and is based in AshingtonCopies of past editions of AAH (except July/

September 2011 and January 2012 - sold out) areavailable for £3 each (this includes postage). Pleasesend a cheque (payable to AA Publishing Ltd) of £3for each copy to: AA Publishing Ltd, 2 Viney Close,

Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3PT.

If you would like to discuss Advertising in AAH, please contact Ben on 01403 878026. Eighth Page £50; Quarter page: £100; Half Page: £175; Full Page £300

26 Table TennisAfter the Olympics, table tennisthreatens to make a comeback!

48 Warnham ParkHow Warnham is world-famousfor its herd of Red Deer

6 News Round-UpWhat’s making headlines, including aMichelin star for Restaurant Tristan

66 How InterestingThe night that The Rolling Stonesplayed in Horsham town

10 My Story So FarMary Villiers Aew a variety of places including Spit@res during WWII

PuppetsThe Horsham family who make puppets for children’s shows

43 Group DiscussionThe volunteers providing news head-lines for the visually impaired

34 Meal ReviewWabi is still in good shape despite theopening of a new London restaurant

20 Guitar ManThe graduate looking to carve a career as a guitar maker

14 Ones to WatchTim Fi@eld relies on amusing and tragiccharacters in his one man show

62 Shop WindowsHorsham traders have held window display competitions for years


16 56 ArtistArtistic husband and wife Keith andDebra Menear show their work

This month we welcome Cara Cocoracchio (Holbrook) Eddie Robinson (Southwater) and ReeceElvin (Silnfold) to our delivery team. New delivery

rounds include Merry:eld Drive in HorshamAAH

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (5)

When people picture a vegetable box, it isnormal to expect kohl rabi, kale, Jerusalemartichoke, purple sprouting broccoli, Romanesco cauli@ower and perhaps someMexican tomatillo.Well, it is if you happen to be a customer ofRiverford...Riverford organic farms’ box scheme beganwhen Guy Watson started delivering vegetables to friends in Devon. The farmsnow deliver around 40,000 boxes a week tohomes from regional farms.Vanessa Bamford runs the local Riverford franchise, using a team of friendly drivers todeliver fresh organic fruit, vegetable andmeat boxes to customers around Horshamand Dorking.“I was a Riverford customer for eight years,”said Vanessa. “I was changing my order onthe website one day and I saw there werefranchise opportunities. I was impressed bythe set-up and I was the right person forthem too, so I came on board earlier this year. “There are ?ve Riverford-owned organicfarms, and some are suited to di>erent crops.There is a place in East Anglia where the carrots mature faster due to the micro-climate they have. “We also work with a number of co-operativesso we have long term relationships withfarms across the UK and overseas such as banana farmers in the Dominican Republicand pineapple farmers in Togo.”There is a huge range of boxes, from a £7.95squash box to a large vegetable box for£18.85, and delivery is free. You can evenmake up your own vegetable box if you prefer. But from a customer’s perspective,Riverford appeals because the produce isfresh and high in quality.Vanessa said: “We grow for @avour and notfor yield so everything tastes really good. The

big complaint I’ve heard from people is thatthe produce they receive from supermarketdeliveries is stu> that the shop wants to getrid of – it is not very fresh. “Our produce all comes direct from the farmand there is less than two days from it beingpicked to it arriving on your doorstep.“People are so much more interested in theirfood these days and they want to knowwhere it is coming from and there is moreawareness of the bene?ts of organic food. “Riverford also takes great pride in givingfarmers a fair deal, both in this country and -

through our Fairtrade association – in Africaand the Caribbean. Riverford has an ethicalapproach to farming and supply.”The other bene?t is that the range at Riverford is seasonal and so you’re constantlybeing surprised by what is in the box. Vanessa said: “If you’re used to shopping atthe supermarket you will tend to stick to carrots, broccoli and onions and have themthe whole year round. But at the moment wehave the Romanesco cauli@ower coming inand it’s lovely because we haven’t had themfor a while. We had tomatillo, which is agreen tomato from Mexico, and persimmonstoo. It makes cooking lots of fun!”

You can currently take advantage of a special o!er – new customers booking a

regular order will receive a free copy of theaward-winning Riverford cook book, worth

£16.99. QUOTE AAH12 with your �rst order

www.riverford.co.ukContact Vanessa on 01903 892116


Riverford Organic Farms going for

A fresh approach

‘We grow for �avourand not for yield so

everything tastes good’

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (6)

1: Horsham Artists Open Studios host aChristmas Sale in The Park Barn on 24th –25th November at 10am–5pm. Visitors canmeet local artists and makers showcasingtheir work, including paintings, sculpture, ceramics, wood turning, jewellery and cards.Visit www.horshamopenstudios.co.uk

2: Restaurant Tristan in East Street, Horsham,has won a Michelin star award. The awardcomes Cve years after owner and head chefTristan Mason was singled out as a Rising Starin the industry by The Observer’s renownedfood critic Jay Rayner. The AAH review of can be read at www.aahorsham.co.uk

3: The Horsham Matters Community CharityCentre in Guildford Road, Horsham, is nowopen for business again. The centre - whichsells a huge range of furniture, householdgoods, electrical items, toys, books, gamesand more - has been divided into two units toaccommodate a Co-Op store. The incomeHorsham Matters generates goes into delivering services for the local community.The store is open Tuesday to Saturday from

9.30am to 4pm.

4: A Remembrance Sunday service will beheld at the War Memorial in the Carfax onSunday, 11th November. The service willbegin at 10:50am led by the Reverend CanonGuy Bridgewater, Vicar of Horsham. The twominutes silence, in memory of the fallen, willtake place before the laying of wreaths.

5: An Osprey has been spotted on several occasions at Warnham Nature Reserve in recent weeks. It is the same bird that hasbeen spotted since August around the RiverAdur. One person reported seeing the Ospreytake a Csh from the Adur before eating it in atree near Lancing College. The osprey has alsobeen spotted at Woods Mill in HenCeld.

6: Two of the contestants from ‘The GreatBritish Bake OB’ have joined Horsham Market.Cathryn Dresser and Sarah-Jane Willis bothlive in Sussex and made it through to the latter stages of the competition. Their newbusiness is named 'Carry on Baking' and willbe at the Local Produce Market in Horsham

every Saturday. For full details visit www.horshammarkets.co.uk

7: A new group comprising of local musicianshas been formed to promote original bands.A website has been created at www.horsham-rocks.co.uk with band proClesand an extensive gig guide, and a regularmusic showcase will be held at The AnchorHotel in Market Square, Horsham. The CrstHorsham Rocks live music night is held onThursday, 6th December, featuring Half HourHotel and The Gypsy Switch.

8: The 30th Barns Green Half Marathon, onSunday, 30th September, was won byEthiopian athlete, Yared Hogos. Over 1,500runners took part in ideal running conditionsthrough the scenic course with Hogos winning in a time of 1 hour 6 minutes 53 seconds. Hogos Cnished just under Cve min-utes ahead of the second placed athlete, lastyear’s winner, James Baker from ChichesterRunners. Third place went to local runner Andrew Robinson from Horsham Joggers. Thewomen’s race was won by Sarah Kingston of







12 13

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (7)

AAH News Round-up

Fittleworth Flyers in a time of 1 hour 25 minutes and 4 seconds.

9: The Crown Inn at Dial Post introduces anew menu on 5th November, as well as a newlook to the front of house. To celebrate this,owners Penny and James are oEering customers 20% oE food on Monday to Thursdaythroughout November (pre-bookings only).For more details call 01403 710902.

10: Farlington School PTA Christmas Fair isheld on Saturday, 17th November at 11am -3pm. There will be over 80 stalls selling jewellery, arts and crafts, clothing, beautyproducts, cards and toys. Children can enjoySanta’s Grotto and face painting. Tickets £1.Meanwhile, Ashington’s Fabulous FestiveMarketwill be held on Wednesday, 21st November at 3-8pm at The Scout Hall, ChurchLane, Ashington. Father Christmas will makean appearance, and visitors can buy freshproduce, handcrafted gifts, cards, deliciouscakes, sweets, breads and savouries. A barbeque will be held at 5pm.

11: A local computer expert is encouragingpeople over 50 to embrace the internet. IvorTarrant has been trained and appointed bySilver Training to provide one-to-one computer tuition service directly to people intheir own homes. Ivor teaches all the populartopics such as computer basics, Emailing andinternet shopping. He can even show youhow to make free video calls to friends andfamily all over the world. For details call 0800862 0666 or visit www.silvertraining.co.uk

12: Mary Crabb will be showing a collectionof woven objects designed and made usingbasketry and textile techniques at HorshamMuseum until 1st December. Although shecontinues to use traditional weaving methods,with some adaptations, she now uses a rangeof materials, from willow to wire. As part ofthe exhibition, Mary hopes to run some talksand workshops relating to her work on display. www.horshammuseum.org

13: The Greets Inn in Warnham has launcheda new Sussex Game Menu available until 24thNovember. You can try dishes such as Rabbit

Rarebit with Sussex ale, Three Bird Stew andRoasted Venison Sausage sourced from Warnham Deer Park. There’s also wine fromlocal vineyards. www.thegreetsinn.co.uk

14: Set4Success is holding a Gala Dinner atSouth Lodge Hotel on Monday, 26th November to raise funds for talented youngpeople in the area. The evening will include athree course dinner, inter-table sports quizand an auction of sporting memorabilia.Awards will be given to Hannah Patchett(water polo), Charlie Piper (rugby), KathrynSmall (trampolining), Haylee Miller (basketball),Matthew DuFn (ballroom dancing), JacobDean (baseball), and Meilitsa-Bo Abram- Foster (artistic gymnastics). Tickets are £35per person from Alison Saxby at SpoEorthson 01403 253282 or [emailprotected]

15: The Horsham Symphony Orchestra opensits concert season at the Capitol on 17th November with performances of BenjaminBritten’s Four Sea Interludes, Gordon Jacob’sTrombone Concerto, and Edward Elgar’s orchestral masterpiece, Symphony No.1.








AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (8)

I can only recall the visit of one writer duringmy school years, and that was when Val Biro,the creator of the ‘Gumdrop’ children’sbooks, visited Chesworth (now Kingslea)School.I can still remember his explanation for starting Gumdrop’s engine (Gumdrop wasbased on a 1926 Austin vehicle.)No doubt the advice given by Sir Tom Stoppard in the theatre at Christ’s Hospital inOctober will have an impact on the lives ofthe school’s senior pupils.The playwright, known for works including‘Arcadia’ and ‘Rosencrantz and GuildensternAre Dead’ as well as for co-writing screenplaysfor Brazil and Shakespeare in Love, was interviewed by English teacher Doctor RossStuart before students asked questions.You might have considered the comparisonbetween Val Biro and Tom Stoppard a littleunbalanced, but it is not a comparison thatthe acclaimed playwright would be at all of-fended by. Sir Tom was keen to explain tothe pupils that there should only be onepoint of concern when judging various artforms.“I believe in quality”, he said. “I believe inthings being good, not quite good enough,

middling or lousy. But it’s got absolutelynothing to do with categories. To write a brilliant farce is an achievement, perhaps amore diBcult achievement, than to write abeautiful drama in rhyming couplets. “To be an outstanding circus performer – anacrobat or a juggler – is equally an achievement. Being an artist is somethingthat transcends categories; it is about beingvery good.”Sir Tom, who has won an Academy Award(for Shakespeare in Love) and four TonyAwards, provided a fascinating insight intohis own writing methods and inDuences, butstressed the importance of allowing ideas todevelop organically.He said: “What I like about writing for stageand Clm is that there is something hardedged about it. The next problem is the nextline at any given moment.“I don’t operate out of a set of principles. Idon’t have a programme for the ideal play.Some of the time, if you are lucky, the storyis telling you the way it wants to go. Whenthat happens it’s a great feeling.“I don’t consider myself to be a provocativewriter. I’m very enamoured by what the English language is capable of doing and I

would have to say that that is my main interest.”But it’s reassuring to know that - even for thegreats - sometimes the story does not tellthe playwright where it wants to go…“I’m writing a piece for radio at the moment,” he said. “I went away in the middle of July for a month to really kick thisthing into gear and after this month in thecountry I was on page seven.“Then I had to return to my life in Londonbut managed to escape for another tendays. After working really hard on it onceagain I was on...page seven. I’m now on pagenine! “I used to think that you had to know abouta play before writing it, but now I think theopposite. Your chances improve if you actually know nothing about it!” Sir Tom Stoppard’s 1993 play ‘Arcadia’, acclaimed by many critics as a masterpiece,is currently on the curriculum at Christ’s Hospital, where his granddaughter attends. After a question and answer session, duringwhich many pupils were keen to uncovermysteries of the script, Holly Porteous, second monitor, presented a text to Sir Tom by Old Blue, George Peele.

‘I believe in quality’Sir Tom Stoppard visits Christ’s Hospital School

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (9)

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (10)

Of the 659 pilots in the ATA, 169 of us werefemale. Sixteen of the women died.

I learnt to 3y the Miles Majister, a littlesingle engine plane, which was very niceand the training was very good. Theywere very short of pilots so they wantedus all to reach the required standard. In

truth it wasn’t that di1cult.

I had to 6y many di5erent aircraft– I think20 in all. I couldn’t 6y any of them properly -we just had to take o5, be careful, and landof course!

When I 2rst went up solo in a plane I was


I was born in Kannur in southern India in1919. My father was out there for manyyears in Bombay as he was a broker in thetea trade. I have a lot of memories of myearly years in India.

We came to the UK when my father wason leave and I moved here permanentlywith my mother when I was abouteight-years-old. My father would returnfrom India every year. It took a fortnight for him to sail from India andhe would be here for a while and thenhead back.

My father was very fond of Indian people.There were very few in this country at thattime and they would sometimes visit uswhilst on leave and we would put themup in our home.

I remember my father had a very smartcar called an Arrol-Johnston. You putyour luggage on the side of the car andit would trundle along at about 30mph.Not many people had motor cars atthat time but there were numeroustimes that we were stuck on the side ofthe road with a puncture!

I went to Howell’s Boarding School inWales when I was 11 which I thoroughlyenjoyed. Some people wouldn’t agreewith me but I think the happiest days ofmy life were spent there. Having movedaround so much up until that time I thinkit was the continuity that I liked.

I did secretarial training after schooland went straight to work for NatWestin Liverpool. I was there for about ayear when World War II broke out.

Like everyone, I wanted to join the war e5ort so joined FANY (The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry) which was an all-female unit linked to the army. It wasmostly driving duties and I enjoyed it verymuch but then I had a chance to 6y.

One of my relations was in the AuxiliaryTerritorial Service (ATA) and he said Ishould give 3ying a go. I said ‘I don’tknow how to 3y!’ but he said that theATA would teach me. Men were involved but there were many womenin the ATA.

‘Some aircrafts were terrible to fly but the

Spit�re was a lady’Mary Villiers of Horsham - A Former A.T.A Pilot

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (11)

My Story So Far

terri.ed. I was worried that Iwouldn’t be able to get it down, orthat I would crash it, or if I couldn’t/y maybe I would have to go andwork in a factory. But I was determined to make a success of it!

Our job was to ferry planes around thecountry. I went to Yorkshire to beginwith and I &ew mostly Sword%sh planesup to Scotland, which wasn’t alwaysnice as it was so cold &ying them. I didn’t really enjoy it, but I managed topull a few strings and moved to a di$erent ferry pool in Leicestershirewhich was far more pleasant as therewere more women there.

My log book is in a museum, but Ihave a copy of it so people believeme when I say that I used to /y! I /ewthe Barracuda, Hurricane, Fire/y,Harvard, the Lockheed Hudson andof course Spit.res. We were ferryingplanes from factories to the squadron and by the end we wereferrying old Wellington bombers tobe broken up.

Like most people, I do have myfavourite. The Spit%re was a lady! Someaircraft were pretty terrible to &y – theBarracuda was a dreadful thing and theSword%sh was not at all popular. It wasmuch better to have a Spit%re as theywere cosy.

I had married Dennis Wilson in 1939.He joined the Territorial Army likemost people - everyone was so patriotic in those days. He was calledup for service and was made an o-cer and sent to South Africa. Hethen went up to the North of Africa

Mary and Dennis marry in 1939

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (12)

and was killed. He is buried with anice tombstone out there but I’venever been out to see it.

I didn’t hear about his death until twoweeks after it happened. I received a yellow envelope from the army andthat was it. People say ‘I’m sorry’ butthe war goes on. It was happening allthe time.

Flying a Spit3re was one of thebest moments of my life.

The war wasn’t enjoyable for me as awhole though. It left me a bit shattered. I had an easy childhoodand was well looked after, so to thenget married to someone and lose himwas shattering. I went numb really.

I went to Sri Lanka after the war asI had always wanted to go thereand I knew a lot of people there.Everybody wanted to get out ofEngland at that time. I travelledbetween here and Sri Lanka forseveral years and I got to know thecountry a bit. I met my second husband, Sandy, on my way out toSri Lanka.

We lived in London for a few years.Sandy left the Navy and got a job inthe city but I didn’t like the city toomuch. I’m a country person really. Sowe moved to Warnham and westayed there for about 30 years.

I have only 4own once since thewar. I went up in a light aircraftwhen I was 75 for the 3rst time in40 years. It was fun but it was a bitlike driving a Mini after you’vedriven a Rolls Royce! But I do thinkthat 4ying is one of the best thingsyou can learn to do.

When Sandy died about 15 years agothere was no point staying there in abig house so I moved into a smallerplace in Horsham.

The ATA was based in Maidenhead.I went there relatively recently asthere was a display at an ATA Heritage Centre called ‘GrandmaFlew Spit3res’ and it tells the storyof the women pilots of the ATA during the Second World War.

The work of the ATA was not recognised at all at the time. It’s a bitlate for recognition now as most ofthe people have died of course. ButI’m delighted that the ATA is still operating and that they have put together such a good exhibition.

Right: Mary pictured in 1942, whilst in the ATAAbove: Local company Fact Not Fiction Films have produced Spit3re Sisters, based on the women in theATA. Mary has recently been given a copy.

My Story So Far

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (13)

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (14)

Bernie Chevron Derek

Grace Reg Bertram

Maureen Vernon Elvis

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (15)

During the day, Tim Fi+eld runs a web design business in Horsham. But he hasan alter-ego – ten in fact – and they allappear in his one-man show ‘Not What IExpected’ which has been acclaimed byaudiences. Tim (and some of the othervoices in his head) talk to AAH...

I auditioned for the National Youth Theatrebut I didn’t get in. I think it was probably because I was crap. I was very inexperiencedand shy as a young man but despite thatfailure I was always very interested in theatre and did quite a bit of theatre inschool and later in amateur productions.

Work took over and I got married and hadchildren and I only really returned to theatrewhen I was in my thirties. I’m 49 now. I wasspoilt in so far as that I got the opportunityto work with very good people in Crawley,putting on quality productions by the likesof Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams.

I got the idea that I would like to write anddirect plays so I started writing comedy dramas. They were often set up as comediesbut would have dark resolutions.

I wrote a musical called Deadline, which wasquite successful, and over the last ten or soyears I‘ve been concentrating on writingplays. This compulsion to do a one-manshow came up and I started developingcharacters, ideas and monologues to fuelthe show.

In ‘Not What I Expected’ I play ten characters– nine humans and one disappointed dogcalled Vernon. It’s all about people’s livesand how they can set o@ in one direction,only to swerve o@ into di@erent areas.

I have an 86-year-old called Reg, who haslived a fairly blameless life although thereare indications that he has had interestingdalliances along the way. He has been toldby his doctor that he only has six months tolive. He doesn’t feel he has done everythingthat he wanted to do – he feels unfulAlled.So when his new carer Madonna turns upand she is a drinking, drug-taking, sex-obsessed young person, he thinks ‘I’d like abit of that action.’ She invites him to a lock-in at a pub where he meets lots of interesting


James is a bitter divorcee who is trying to come to terms with the fact thathe has split from his wife, the terms of loss ofcontact with his children and the disappointment of being in that position.

Then you’ve got Bertram, a gay, failed actorwho is dumped, very harshly, by his long-term partner Colin in Pizza Express, and hasto rebuild his life.

You learn that one character, Maureen Bateman, is widowed as her husband had aheart attack whilst watching Casualty (I’vebeen watching that show for 23 years and Icouldn’t think of one thing to do’). It’s notmeant to be a joke but it is funny.

Essentially, people laugh at detail ratherthan scripted words. They laugh at familiarity.So the trick is to create characters that resonate for people.

in the Arst half of the show I introduce eachcharacter, and in the second half you seethem again, but the stories begin to startconnecting and characters crop up in eachother’s monologues. That creates a Azzingdynamic in the drama which allows me todevelop the characters.

If you’re doing monologue-based contemporary humour then you can forgetabout sitting behind a computer and writing a script. You’re using words di@erentlywhen you write.

The way I devise the characters is that I playwith language. So I would come up with aneast-ender for example and start talkin’‘bout it and I would invent a life for him byendlessly talking around the character. YouAnd their voice and then you And a storywithin that. It’s one of the most amazingthings as you don’t know what you’re goingto say next.

I’ve picked out elements of people I knowand have met. A lot of the scenarios arebased on things I’ve experienced. Chevron,the 14-year-old glued to his X-Box, is basedon a teenager I know very well. I stood outside his door and listened to him playinghis computer games. ‘You logged in mate?You logged in? Cover me! Cover me! Hangon, I’ve just killed myself.’

All of the stories are resolved. I love beingmischievous. I don’t like nice, tidy rom-comendings as that is not life, so at the end a lotof the stories seem sad. Some are happy,but some are not.

I was tempted to create a show that wouldget people into a state of hilarity and thendrop them o@ a cli@ at the end.

It’s surprisingly strange being on stage. It’san outer-body experience. I absolutely loveit. I’m nervous in that I don’t want to panicand not know what to do but it’s never happened. Obviously you are nervous andthe adrenaline is pumping as you go on, butthere is something quite surreal about walking out on stage in front of an audience– it’s a beautiful collision of time and circ*mstance. There’s nothing you can doonce you’ve taken those steps.

I’ve done eleven performances of ‘Not WhatI Expected’ with proAts donated to SCOPE. Iwas in Horley for six nights, in Crawley forthree and at the Capitol for two nights. Theplan is to take the show to the BrightonFringe.


Split PersonalityOne to Watch: Tim Fi�eld enthralls with his one man show


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David Hellyer’s videos have been watchedover a million times on YouTube.He hasn’t had his 9nger bitten by his babybrother, invented a Korean dance craze or, asfar as we know, performed a duet with JustinBieber.Instead, his popularity is down to his puppets.David’s full time job is as a Youth Leader atKingdom Faith Church, but in his spare timehe runs Hellyer’s Puppet Workshop, creatingpuppets similar to those on Sesame Street orThe Muppets – in a small studio at his parents’Horsham home.

It’s a hobby that has attracted worldwide interest. He has sold puppets to customers inAmerica, sent a purple monster puppet to aChildren’s Hospice in Canada, a reindeerpuppet to Australia, a parrot puppet to a 9lmmaker in New York, and one of his creationsis even on children’s television in Zimbabwe.It was inevitable that David would becomeinvolved in puppetry in some way. His parents Peter and Diane Hellyer are involved with Upbeat Puppets, and have performed puppet shows for over 20 years.They continue to do so, mainly at carehomes, schools and churches.

Diane said: “It’s all voluntary work, and theidea is to teach people about the gospelthrough puppetry. It is entertaining but itcarries a message.“A lot of our puppet shows are set to music.We don’t do plays or little skits very often aswe use parodies of well-known songs. So wehave songs such as Jailhouse Rock, which isre-written as Church House Rock. Older people who remember Elvis will like themusic and will enjoy it, but it has a gospeltheme to the song.”It was Peter and Diane who introduced Davidto puppetry at Sunday School at what is now

‘Some things are more important than big

furry purple monsters!’

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the Christan Life Centre in Horsham. Backthen it was Peter’s puppet ‘Scripture Squirrel’that was spreading the word of Jesus.Whilst his parents still perform with puppets that they have bought, David hasgone in a di:erent direction and prefersmaking puppets to giving shows.David said: “When I was a kid my dad used torun the Sunday School sessions, using glovepuppets to tell stories. One thing led to another and I started doing bits and piecesand eventually I began acting out scenes.“A company called One Way UK was set upand they basically provided puppets andtraining for people to do what my parentswere doing. They are based in Reading and Iwent to work with them for a year after <nishing school.“Through them I was able to perform aroundthe country and also teach people how touse the puppets. I was also able to go toAmerica a few times for puppet festivals andcompetitions. “But rather than it being inspiring, it wasfrustrating to see how much more they

could do out there as there are so many people involved in the puppet industry. It’s abig business in America. “To come back home and know that all youcan do is something small with perhaps twoother people was a bit of a blow. “The puppets in America were so much better. I was a bit naïve so I thought ‘it can’tbe that hard to make them’ so I gave it a go.But it was that hard.”David started making his own puppets in2005, but his early e:orts were disastrous.However, he improved gradually and createdPierre, who he would take on television

when he and his wife Shelley were contestantson Bargain Hunt!Only when he was given some top tips by anindustry professional did his creations jumpup to the next level. “MySpace was all the rage back then, so Iwas going on puppet forums,” said David. “Aguy started sending me tips on how to makebetter puppets. His name is Phil Fletcher andI discovered he is a professional puppeteerwho operates Hacker the Dog on CBBC. “My puppet building went on to a muchhigher level just through his advice.“The puppets I make are rod-arm puppets,so they are akin to the sort of puppet youwould see on The Muppet Show. The performer is always below the puppet, andyou either operate the hands with your ownhands or you use rods to move the arms tomake gestures.“It’s not hugely di;cult. You have to maintaina good height of the puppet, make sure youhave eye contact and ensure it’s lookingwhere you want it to look, and to make surelip synchronisation is right. I used to

Pierre (left) remains David’s favourite puppet, as it was so much better than his �rst attempts (centre).

Peter Hellyer is pictured with Scripture Squirrel which he usedto tell stories when David attended Sunday School

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practice this for hours as a child!”David’s puppets are all entirely hand-made.He uses two di3erent types of foam. Thereare two types of foam. Minicell Foam isdense and lightweight and provides a 5rmstructure, and Reticulated Foam, which is a6exible, low-density foam and di4cult to rip.Fake Fur is a popular material, but the thin6eece fabric used for puppets such as Kermitthe Frog is Antron, which is a much soughtafter material. It is reportedly only availablefrom one company in Georgia which onlyspins the fabric once a year!It’s not often that David gives performanceswith his puppets, although he does still dothe occasional show through his involvementwith Kingdom Faith.Instead, it is his videos on the internet thatare his best advertising outlet. Despite his success so far, he is not

considering making puppet-making hisfull time job. “I have been tempted in thepast,” he said. “In 2008, I did a stint with thestage production of Rainbow, as George, thepink Hippo. That was good fun. “Until the BBC moved to Salford it wastempting to audition for them. I went tothe studio to watch my friends – who operate Hacker and Dodge for CBBC - workfor a couple of days, and it was great butthey devote their entire lives to it.

“I worked with young people at the YMCACentre for three years and I think whenyou’ve worked with people who have livedon the edge and have had endured realdi4culty, it changes your priorities. “There are some things in life we have todeal with that are perhaps more importantthan big, purple furry monsters.”

For more on David’s puppetry visitwww.hellyers.com and we also recommendhis YouTube channel.

Peter and diane Hellyer have performed puppet shows for many years

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AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (21)

Guitars can be worth an incredible amountof money, depending on who created it andmore importantly played it.The 1968 Fender Stratocaster played by JimiHendrix at Woodstock sold for $2million in1998, whilst a Washburn 22 series Hawkowned by reggae legend Bob Marley alsofetched over $1million dollars at auction.So if you happen to have a guitar owned byJimmy Page, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton,Stevie Ray Vaughan, Slash or Duane Allmangathering dust in the loft, it might be worthgetting it valued…Great guitarists are not created overnight,and the same can be said for guitar makers.The likes of Gibson – which creates theworld-famous Les Paul, Fender – responsiblefor the renowned Stratocaster, and Rickenbacker – a favourite of The Beatles,have been established for decades.Perhaps one day, JKB will be revered by guitarists around the world…JKB is a new guitar making company set upby Jacob Menear in a studio at his home inStorrington. The business is in its infancy,but Jacob is already demonstrating a skill forcreating inventive, experimental acoustic

and electric guitars. Jacob’s desire to build instruments only developed in recent years. He said: “I startedSixth Form wanting to be a doctor and sostudied Maths and Sciences at A’ level. Butduring my second year I couldn’t Dnd a science course that I wanted to do. I found aguitar making course by accident and Ibought some books and read up on it. “I found it fascinating and changed my planfrom there. I studied at London MetropolitanUniversity. In the Drst year there was morethan 30 of us but by the third year therewere perhaps ten of us that were still there.“I got a First and decided to do a Masterscourse in guitar making to improve my skillsbefore I headed out into the real world andstarted making guitars that I could sell. Isaved money for a few years and invested insome equipment and a stock of materials soI was able to set up on my own quickly.”Even for somebody who has excelled duringfour years of study, making instruments isnot easy. Each new guitar represents a newchallenge, every minor alteration bringswith it sound and tone complications, andthe diCerent wood varieties impact the

instrument’s performance in its own ways.“There is so much variety in the way you cando things that will aCect the outcome that itis just so interesting,” said Jacob. “It’s great toexperiment as no two instruments are thesame due to the diCerent materials or howyou shape a particular part.“You’ve got to Dgure out what kind of guitaryou want and the sound you are after as thatwill inEuence your materials. There are anumber of tone woods that can be used.Soft woods such as cedar are good for thesound boards as they are Eexible but oftenneed to maintain stiCness. Cedar will give adarker tone to the sound while spruce willhave a brighter sound. “You can also use hard woods, such as mapleand mahogany and are more common forelectric guitars. Gibson Les Pauls, like theone that Slash (Guns N’ Roses) uses, are farheavier as they are primarily mahogany.“The materials act diCerently under thesame circ*mstances. You have rosewoodwhich bends nicely whereas Bubinga woodbends like bulletproof glass. You have to testdiCerent materials in diCerent ways in orderto get the same result so a lot of it is trial and


Striking a ChordCarving out a career in guitar making


AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (22)


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error. So you choose your materials atthe beginning based on the sound thatyou want it to make.”Jacob starts building his guitars withthe basic materials which must all becut, shaped and manipulated overmany months to create a -nished product. He buys the tone woods as un-cut blocks of wood, and also buysfret wire, bridges, -ngerboards andeverything else needed from luthiermerchandisers. The wood for the backof the guitars is also bought rough andthick but they are book-matched whenthey are cut from the log so they will besymmetrical. The challenge for Jacob is to create guitars with their own identity, butJacob feels he has the ability to forge areputation for high quality craftsman-ship and sound performance.“Every guitar maker has criteria thatthey like to meet with their instrument.Some try and replicate vintage instruments such as a C.F Martin guitar,copying to a millimetre of how theywere built.“Other makers try to be more experimental, and they will add extrastrings or make them longer or shorter,create di,erent body shapes, or inventthings like harp guitars with bass strings

added. I’m in the experimental region as Idon’t like copying the guitar shapes of otherpeople. “There are lots of people specialising in makingreplicas of Martin guitars or Fenders and Idon’t think the world needs another one. IfI’m going to make an instrument I might aswell make it di,erent.“Acoustic guitars have a fairly standard

structure that has been established for hundreds of years, and so it is through the useof materials that you manipulate the sound.But with electric guitars, although the woodyou use does a,ect the tone and sound, it iswith the pick-ups and hardware used that really puts the sound across. “You can have a bit more fun without beingpenalised heavily in terms of sound.

� ��������� �������� Jacob in his new workshop

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“My style is to have a shorter lengthof body. Usually they are longer andcover more of the 0ngerboard. Ihaven’t really seen anything like thehead shape I use and I also shape thebody into the neck. “With most guitars you have 24 frets,but it is uncomfortable to play past acertain point without hitting a bigsquare. I have tried to make it ascomfortable as possible to use.“At the moment I’m making them fordemonstration pieces so that when Igo to shows people can come alongand have a go and see if there is anything here that suits them. Guitarists will often have instrumentshand-made because they will 0nd itvery di/cult to get the sound thatthey want from a shop. “Most manufacturer guitars are verymechanical. All the tops and sound-boards are cut to the same thickness.With the cheaper instruments youwill have a veneer of cedar wood andthe rest is made out of a muchcheaper material and the soundquality of the wood on the outside isnot going to be carried through theinstrument.”Whilst Jacob is trying to create hisown style, he does cite the work ofan American guitar maker called FredCarlson as an in1uence. PerhapsJacob’s most unusual guitar adopts asimilar technique used by Carlson tocreate an acoustic with a sound similar to that of an Indian sitar.He said: “Carlson is very experimental.His designs are far di.erent to whatanybody else is creating at the moment and I too would like to create individual instruments. “I have made a guitar based on oneof his ideas. He blended sympathetic,resonating strings with an acousticguitar. The sympathetic strings arenormally found on instruments suchas the sitar and also in baroque instruments.

‘You chooseyour materialsat the beginningbased on thesound thatyou want to make’

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JKM Guitars

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“You tune them to a scale, a chordor notes that you want to pick outfrom a song, and when you matchthose notes on the /ngerboardthey will vibrate to give more resonance. I have gone through/ve di.erent versions of this instrument, each one trying toovercome a new problem!“The /rst one had 18 strings altogether and was really heavy atthe top. So we had to make itmore balanced. The sympatheticstrings were also inside the guitarinitially and there was a door youcould open to adjust them, butthat was tedious work. So I angledthe neck forward so all of thestrings run over the face of thesoundboard. You don’t stop learning.”Jacob will be spending the nextfew months in his studio workingsolidly and hopes to build upsome stock so he can tour guitarshops and craft shows with hisproduct. He may also soon exhibithis instruments at GJ’s Guitars inStorrington.He also hopes that as an instrumentthe guitar becomes as popular asit did around the turn of the

century, when productionreached an all-time high. Newcomputer software may haveturned people away from instruments, but it could also inspire a comeback.“I think that the whole GuitarHero thing didn’t help,” he said.“The idea of pressing a button togenerate a sound made somepeople put down their instruments,which were of course harder toplay. But there are now new learning devices such as Rocksmith,where you can plug in your realguitar to a games system and playsongs as they would be played. “So computers don’t have to signal the end!”“In terms of my instruments, Iwould like to get to a point whereI’ve got a selection of maybe /veor six types of instrument that Iam able to make well with peopleable to view videos online and say‘I want this but can you make itlike this and with this material?’ “Then hopefully, rather than coming to me and asking for areplica guitar, they will ask for mystyle instead!”For more visit www.jkmguitars.com

You can read about Jacob’s artistic parents, Keith and Debra Menear, on Page56

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What we are offering through the college is the concept of ‘come along and play’

It would appear that one of the more unfashionable sports is making a comebackin this country.When Boris Johnson, in a typically Jamboyantpre-Olympics speech said ‘I say to the Chinese,that Ping Pong is coming home’ it was all ingood humour. After all, there was nothingto suggest that any of our home-grownplayers were going to deny China of gold.In the end all four gold medals went toChina. Nonetheless, all signs point to a revival ofthe game in this country.Oddly, the game has suGered a slide in popularity in the UK since it became anOlympic sport in 1988. China, Japan andSouth Korea have gone on to dominate theworld stage, with Sweden and Germanyconsistently fronting the European challenge.Now the game is taking oG in UK cities, primarily through an increasing number ofoutdoor tables. The Ping Pong Parlour, atemporary table tennis café, has beenlaunched in London and 100 tables havebeen installed in the capital as part of anEnglish Table Tennis Association (ETTA) initiative.Here in Horsham, the game is set to beboosted by the launch of a new Friday nighttable tennis club for all held at Collyers College. The scheme is funded by a £10,000Sport England grant, which will pay for top

quality tables.Horsham Table Tennis Club is driving it, withstrong support from other clubs includingStorrington and Horsham Spinners.Alex Morrison, Chairman of HTTC, said: “Theperception of Table Tennis is changing butit’s a slow process. It’s really a sport that hita peak in the 1970s and the 1980s. I used toplay in London and a lot of banks hadsports clubs, so there were a lot of businessteams. “Here in Horsham, we had Royal and Sun Alliance and they had their own club at Holbrook club. They tended to encourageemployees to participate in sport, but a lotof that business participation has fadedover time and that has meant there havebeen fewer facilities and opportunities.“Leagues have tended to become smallerbut now we want to reverse that trend, particularly after the Olympics as there is abit more interest in table tennis. You areseeing outdoor tables– I saw several tableson Brighton marina recently and it was verypopular. “We want to be able to have somethinggoing on in Horsham which is much moreinformal. We want to be more like a golfclub -you can play as a member or you can,if you want to, just turn up and have a gowithout any commitment to play again.What we are oGering through the college is

the concept of ‘come along and play’. “You can turn up and the organisers willtake a look at your game and put you into ateam of two or three and we’ll have little informal competitions. It’ll be like a leaguenight but without the formality. It’s an easyIrst step into table tennis competition.”Ian Ford, Sports Development OHcer atHorsham District Council, said: “Sport England have said, whether you agree withit or not, that they have improved sport par-ticipation amongst young people at primary school age, so let’s switch the focusto retaining young people in sport.“Therefore the 14-25-year -old bracket – ofwhich colleges are right in the middle of – isnow the priority. That’s where they arethrowing their funding towards. We arebringing the game to them, rather than asking them to go and Ind it.“There is a bit of a revival for the game. Lotsof people have played it in the garage orback gardens in the past and it’s getting abit of a second wind. We want to tap intothat.”Horsham Table Tennis – like the game in thiscountry – is showing signs of improvement.It has maintained a high level at competitionand continues to focus on its junior section.The club was founded in the 1938/1939 season, as an oGshoot of the Horsham LawnTennis Club. Over the years it has played in

- Alex Morrison

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Horsham Table Tennis Club

various venues, including the former BlackHorse Hotel on West Street, the Albion Hall,the old Y.M.C.A, The Barn in the Causeway,and in 1972 the old army hut at BroadbridgeHeath.In 2003 the club started to use GreenwaySchool alongside Broadbridge Heath Sportscentre and one year later moved all of its activities to the school. Horsham was instrumental in setting up the Horsham andCrawley League, in which it is well represented.The Horsham Club has Bve teams in the Premier Division, and they play against fourteams from Tilgate based club The Foresters,two Crawley community teams, Holy Trinity Aand a separate club called Horsham Spinners,based at Forest School. Alex said: “Traditionally the league has operated on a home and away basis butabout four years ago we tried to change thatand move the local table tennis set-up to anew level. So now on a Thursday night at K2in Crawley we have nine tables and all thepremier teams come together and playunder one roof. There are 13 teams withthree players each, so we have to provide Bfteen very good players each week.“Everybody plays each other, so you eachplay three matches and each match is thebest of Bve games to eleven points. Outsideof the premier league there are another twodivisions, and we have one team in the bot-tom tier. They play matches on the traditional

Horsham Table Tennis Club meets at Greenway School

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home and away format. “But it’s great to play at K2. When you haveyour matches on one regular night you canplan everything else around that. You canplan your coaching schedule, and everythingis more organised.”In addition to the local league, HorshamTable Tennis Club is represented in the Senior British league over four weekends of aseason with teams in Division 2 and Division4. The best cadet (under-15) and junior

(under-18) players also compete at a numberof events across the country over the season.Over the years, the club has had some verygood players connected to the club andwere once as high as second in the premierdivision of the English league when the likesof Richie Venner were playing at their peak.Now, it is down to a Slovakian coach, MartinJezisek, to develop the next generation oftalent. He is supported by Sri Lankan CoachAmila Thilikarathne who has been in the top

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I am approaching everyone thesame and trying to get them up totheir maximum potential

- Martin Jezisek


5 of the Sri Lankan men’s rankings.Martin said: “I’m trying to bringeveryone to their maximum poten-tial. I’m teaching them what theycan do and protecting them fromthemselves as well. You have to bequite strict but I am always fair, supportive and encourage them.“Here in the UK, I think kids aremore bubble-wrapped. Children arenot brought up to :ght for every-thing - they are used to being giventhings. If we are really thinkingabout champions, which I am always, never mind who I amteaching I always have the visionthat I am looking for the one specialplayer who will put everything intoit and perhaps be a champion atsome point.“I’m not elitist as I am approachingeveryone the same and always trying to get them up to their

maximum potential, whatever theirown personal limit may be. All I askis that when they play they givetheir all.”Amongst Horsham’s promisingyoung players are Dan Barna whowon his group in the Junior OpenSingles (U18s) at K2 recently, andHolly Holder who won the CadetGirls Under-15s Band 1 event at amajor tournament recently.The club has also combined wellwith Horsham District Council overrecent years to run table tennisbased projects including coachingin residential homes (Silver Pingersproject), activity in the Y Centre,running school holiday camps andproviding coaching for people withlearning disabilities. One person tobene:t is 16-year-old Stuart Cutler,who has autism.Stuart said: “I started o9 with the

Amila Thilikarathne coaches a young player

Coaches Martin Jezisek and Amila Thilikarathne

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Horsham Table Tennis Club

Aiming High group, which was a governmentinitiative to get more disabled young peopleinto sports, about two years ago.“I found that table tennis helped me with handeye co-ordination, and it’s helped me to be active which is great. Now I come along to thenormal club nights to play and last month Icame <rst in a Reaching Higher competition.”But whilst the funding is in place and Horshamhas a strong local club with a good committee,what the game could really do with is a rolemodel to transform the game, as Andy Murrayhas done for tennis.Ian said: “We have two or three good players.Paul Drinkhall is the British Number One and hebeat the World Number 54 in the Olympics,which was a great win. But the last real rolemodel was Desmond Douglas and he was aworld class player. “But for us as a club it’s an exciting time – wehave a lot on the go. We’ve got big projects thathopefully can take us up a notch.”Alex added: “Table Tennis is a sport you can play

from the ages of 8 to 80. It’s a sport for lifeand because it’s indoors it’s ideal for thewinter so it suits the UK climate particularlywell. “We have had a heavy focus on bringing onyoung players. It has been the ethos of theclub for a long time and we hope with thisinitiative with Collyers we can widen thenet further.“It’s an easy game to roll up and play.Whether the students like it or not, we’ll

have to wait and see - that’s part of thechallenge!”There are two slots available - an early session (6-7.45pm) for juniors of all abilitiesand adult beginners, and a later session (8-9.45pm) for junior intermediates and aboveand adults of any level.

For more details and to download a booking form visit http://horshamtabletennisclub.co.uk

Table tennis helped me with hand eye co-ordination

- Stuart Cutler

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (31)

At Mark Antony Windows, our aim is to provide thebest service, supplying and installing PVC-U andaluminium products in the South East, and all atcompetitive prices. Company Directors Mark Edwards and AntonyDeakin have more than 30 years of experience inthe industry. We cater to all needs with every aspect coveredfrom complete conservatories - including design,project oversight and planning regulation - tominor repairs, locks and condensed units.Our windows are manufactured using the WHSHalo Pro<le, using a unique technology of a <ve chamber thermal system to give extra protectionagainst the outside elements. They undergo extensive testing to ensure maximum insulation. All of our frames are calcium organic and recycledand come with our 10 year guarantee.Mark Antony Windows has also been recognised bythe Double Glazing & Conservatory OmbudsmanScheme (DGCOS).

The DGCOS is supported by TV’s consumer champion Nick Ross, who said: “The double glazing industry doesn’t exactly have the best reputation inthe world. We’ve all heard stories about aggressivesales tactics, poor standard of workmanship, problems never being recti<ed, and installers goingout of business, leaving worthless guarantees.“The DGCOS is trying to clean up the industry.There are a lot of trade bodies in the double glazingindustry but however impressive they sound mosto;er little protection to consumers. We’re trying tochange that and get real consumer protections.“If you're thinking of buying double-glazing or a conservatory I strongly recommend you use aDGCOS member.”Mark Antony Windows has previously met the highstandards required to become a Checkatrade supported business, and is also backed by FENSA.

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Antony and Mark met presenter Melinda Messenger whilst helping out on an episode of TV’s Cowboy Builders

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (32)

How did you get GillianWright on board?I have worked with Gillian’sagent in London before. Duringthe casting process he contactedme out of the blue and said‘how do you fancy Gillian playing Horsham?’ I had seenher in panto two years ago inEastbourne and met her sociallythrough her agent. So we negotiated the fee and eventually we got her.

How does that work with EastEnders $lming?It was back in February that wehad our ;rst discussion, but itwas all on the premise thatGillian could take a break fromthe programme. If Gillian wasallowed ;ve weeks o9 shecould do it. Some were notgiven the time o9 – ShaneRichie was one of them. I hadto wait until Easter for EastEnders to reach the point

Dear Santa

From the author of DEAR ZOO

Rod Campbell’s


Box O�ce: 01403 750220www.thecapitolhorsham.com

A Live Christmas Theatrical Experience for young children in The Studio

Wednesday 12 - Monday 24 December 2012TICKETS: £9, children £7.50, school / groups of 10 or more £7

where they could make a decision.Thankfully for us they did allowher to take the break. It was a di:cult time as I could not doany casting until I knew if Gilliancould make it, which was scary.

When does she arrive in town?Gillian ;nishes ;lming for EastEnders on the 2nd December.She comes here a day later tobegin rehearsals and we openten days later. She has seen thescript and likes the way I havewritten it. It’s charming, verychild-friendly, and there is nosmut unless she wants to putsome in! She has been to see us,loves the venue and will be staying in the town during therun. Gillian knows we have agood reputation for pantomimeand she will be lookedafter.

But she’s taking on therole of a villain?Gillian really wanted todo it. She has played aFairy before and wantedto do something di9erent so theWickedQueen role isideal.

Can shesing?She says she’snot a West Endmusical diva but shecan more than put anumber across. Herbackground is as aproper actress andshe co-founded the

Pilot Theatre. The reason she hasjust won the Best Actress at theInside Soap Awards is that she’s avery talented performer.

In recent years you’ve tendedto bring in children’s televisionpresenters…We’ve had a run of children’s entertainers, with Justin Fletcher,Sarah-Jane Honeywell and AnnaWilliamson, but not too long agowe had Mark Curry and ToddCarty. We do still have a children’sentertainer with Jane Deane,who plays Dee Livery in Justin’sHouse on CBeebies, in this year’scast.

What other characters do wehave?Michael Neilson from last year’spantomime ‘Jack and TheBeanstalk’ will be Herman theHenchman and West Endsingers Daisy Wood-Davisand Bradley Clarkson playSnow White and ThePrince. We also have aspecial guest as the Lady

in the Mirror…

Do tell!It is Su Pollard (Hi-De-Hi!). I’veknown Su as

a personal friendfor about 25 years.

I have tried to gether to do pantomimeonce before, but it didn’t work out. . Iasked her agent thisyear, and this time Suagreed! Gillian was

This Christmas, The Capitol in Horsham will bestaging not one but two self-produced festiveshows. Award-winning EastEnders actressGillian Wright stars in Snow White, whilst aunique adaptation of Rod Campbell’s children’s classic Dear Santa returns. AAHspoke to Michael Gattrell, General Manager atThe Capitol, about the busy festive period…

It’s Silly Season

Michael Gattrell writes the Capitol pantomimes

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (33)

co*ck-a-hoop about it. As theWicked Queen she is quite straightlaced and that works well with thisvery amusing lady in the mirror.

You write the script yourself?We have produced the panto in-house for many years as I enjoy it,and it saves the council a lot ofmoney which is important and isbecoming increasingly so. It costsa lot of money to bring in a production company to stage apantomime. It’s a new script,which I have written from scratch.

Are you pleased with it?I had writer’s block for a while butwhen you get script approval fromGillian and Jane and the peoplethat you work with, it’s very satisfying. It’s not as easy as youmight think to know if whatyou’ve written is any good. It’s allabout how the audience receivesit and you never can tell untilopening night. It has to be visualand requires good interpretationfrom the cast. Justin (Fletcher) always told me never to use longwords – as you lose the children.The last thing I want to do is a production where the adults arelaughing and the kids don’t knowwhat they are laughing at.

What will be providing the‘wow’ factor?

The dwarfs we are using are cute,funny and quirky. We are not usingactual dwarfs as they are in suchdemand during pantomime season and of course only a selectfew theatres can a;ord their services. So we’ve come up with afun alternative that is fun and really engages with the audience.We can’t use anything Disney because of copyright so we havecalled them Chief, Dandy, Dozy,Snooty, Perky, Clumsy and Weepy!

Have you chosen the songs yet?I have - we have a bit of Glee,some Madness songs, a few well-known hits from musicalsand a couple of numbers fromSmash, a programme on Sky.

You also put on Dear Santa overChristmas…We do. A couple of years ago weengaged a production companyto put on ‘A Night Before Christmas’ in the studio. But withthe need to save money I thoughtI could =nd a story that I couldproduce myself so I scoured theinternet looking for stories whichcould, potentially, be adapted forstage. I found Dear Santa by RodCampbell.

How did the stage adaptationcome about?I emailed Rod and we met and I

told him about my idea. Becauseit’s only a 16 page pop-up bookwe had to come up with a story-line. We exchanged ideas andcame up with Dear Santa andheld the world premiere here atThe Capitol in 2010.

This must have been a toughchallenge?It’s di<cult to adapt a story thatis so short into a productionthat can hold the attention of achild. It’s a very child friendlyplay about 35 to 40 minuteslong. I am using actors that areexperienced in working withchildren as it is a very gentlepiece. At the end of the show, allof the children speak to Santa

and he gives the children a gift.It’s a magical experience forthem. I’m very grateful that Rodagreed to work with us - he is anicon of young children’s literature.

Snow White is at the Capitol on14th December 2012 to 5th January 2013. Tickets cost £17.50(concessions £15.50; Family ticket£58, Groups 10+ £14, under 2's£2) from the Box O3ce on 01403750220. Dear Santa is in the Studio at theCapitol on 12th- 24th December2012. Tickets cost £9 (children£7.50) from the Box O3ce on01403 750220. For more detailsvisit the website at www.thecapitolhorsham.com

Su Pollard recently recorded her lines at The Capitol

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (34)

When Wabi opened two years ago, Horshamreacted like a town that had collectively wonthe lottery.The celebrated Australian chef ScottHallsworth, who had been instrumental inturning Nobu London into one of the capital’smost stylish Japanese restaurants, was makinga commitment to the town.Wabi ate up column inches as local newspapereditors were enthralled by the story of the chefwho had previously cooked for Bill Clinton andDavid Beckham and was now leading a newmillion-pound project.But the goodwill, seemingly on tap initially, randry. The backlash began almost as soon aspeople saw the prices. A critic from TheGuardian commented more on the drab décorthan the food, and closed the review by revealing that the jelly)sh in the lavish

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (35)

Does Wabi geta raw deal?Review: Wabi, East Street, Horsham

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (36)


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aquarium had all died within days.Locally, there were those willing to giveWabi a try, but whilst the quality of thefood was rarely questioned, its price andwhether or not it actually 0lled you upregularly was. Disappointing, those spouting what hadseemed an embarrassingly parochialopinion that Horsham town was notready for 0ne Japanese cuisine have to adegree been proved right.In the last few weeks, Scott Hallsworthhas been making the transition to thesecond Wabi restaurant opening soon inHolborn, London. Gone too are the twoexperienced sous chefs, Paul Kanja andMark Morrans. The menu has been dramatically altered, with many of themore lavish and expensive dishes suchas sashimi (thin slices of fresh raw 0sh)pulled.It has all been done to make the Horshamrestaurant a viable business, from a0nancial perspective. Quite simply, notenough people have been ordering thedelicacies to justify their place on themenu. Scott said: “Over time, we’ve come to understand the business in Horsham alittle better and know what people wantto eat. Sales of sashimi and sushi (raw vinegared rice usually with a raw 0sh or

seafood 0lling) were nowhere near hot foodsales and it’s more expensive to produce sushiand sashimi dishes, because of ingredientsand the wages to put a sushi chef on. “We had to take a bit of expense out of therestaurant so it can wash its own face. It hasn’tbeen easy since day one 0nancially, but we’rein a really good position now.

“We can still do good, tasty food, and for themost part I don’t think the changes have beentoo detrimental. We’re still using really goodbeef 0llet and I don’t think we’ve reduced anyquality in terms of the ingredients. We justdon’t buy high end tuna, for example, or wedon’t buy Foie Gras like we used to as supplierswere knocking us on the head for prices down

Lubo Kovar is now in charge of the kitchen at Wabi

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (37)

here.“We have seen that the sushi barisn’t required as much as the drinksbar. If you are here on a Friday orSaturday night you can’t get to thebar. People would like to be herebut they will go somewhere elsejust to get a drink. I’ve seen it happen too many times so Ithought ‘what do we do about it?’“So the downstairs sushi bar will beslightly modi5ed so we can servethere at the weekends.“If people want drinks give themdrinks, and they don’t want sushiso knock it back. We have foursushi rolls on at the moment, andyes, we do have regulars who areasking for a bit more of that andmore sashimi. “We might be able to do that asour talent improves but at the moment we have to be carefulhow we play it as we need thisbusiness to survive.“It ties in with the whole idea ofbeing an Izakaya - a drinking placethat also serves good food. Thereare many of them in cities and theyare more casual, more approachable,and that’s what we are trying to dohere in Horsham.”

The new chef in charge at Horshamis Czech-born Lubo Kovar. Lubohas only been at Wabi for 18months. He started o4 as chef-de-partie but impressed the seniorchefs with his attitude.Lubo said: “I walked past with mygirlfriend one day and saw Wabi,but didn’t know what it was. Itlooked quite posh from the outside,and I walked in and tried one oftheir Bento boxes and I fell in love. “I was so excited, as I had neverknown Japanese food before. The6avours were amazing. I broughtmy friends and family here for ameal and then I thought I wouldapply for the chef’s job.”Scott said: “Lubo didn’t have asuper strong background but whatis amazing is his attitude. He has anopen mind, is a hard worker, andhe can facilitate all of our needs. Ifwe say ‘it’s going to be like this’ heis going to make sure it happens inthe right way.“We were not looking for peoplewith a Japanese background – wewere looking for people to followwhat we are trying to do and Lubodoes that. He is solid and trustworthy.Mark and Paul are with me in

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December Menu:£19.95 (2 courses)£24.95 (3 courses)

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The Tatami room can seat up to 16 people

There is now less sashimi and sushi on the menu

Review: Wabi

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (38)


London as they deserve the opportunity, butif we have a big party or a function in Horsham one of them will come down tostrengthen the team. Otherwise it’s going really well. “Horsham has been a great schooling. I hadthe cooking skills but knew nothing about business. Going through the wringer is agood experience and I’m taking it away withme.“But for me it’s good to be back in the bigcity. It’s where I’m most comfortable andwhat I’m familiar with. It’s a huge buzz.“In London there is far more sashimi on ourmenu as there’s a huge demand for it in the

city. It’ll be a little more experimental andwe’ll be able to a1ord the top end food. Cooking skill is vital but ingredients are reallyimportant and we’ll be able to do thingsthere that we have not been able to do herein Horsham for a while.”If much of what has been said doesn’t comeacross as being particularly promising for theHorsham Wabi, then you can take some comfort from a few positives.From a food perspective, the quality on o1ermay have dropped but only from such a highlevel. And whilst visiting for this review, wefound Wabi to be a more relaxed environment.

We took our seats up in the 12 seat Tatamiroom. Tatami is a type of Japanese mat (usually made of rice straw) you sit on, havingleft your shoes at the door. The room is stillvery popular with large groups. We would certainly recommend the Tatami(or one of the three smaller booths) to enhance your dining experience as – whilstthe décor of the rest of the restaurant is notbad – it isn’t particularly enthralling either.The food however, still excites, with everydish promising a talking point, every bitesupplying a fresh 3avour, every last crumbleaving you wanting more. It was di2cult to hide the fact that we were

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Edamame with soramame tempura and pork scratchings

Beef Fillet Tataki with Onion Ponzuand Garlic Chips

Seared Salmon Sashimi

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (39)

‘Going through the wringer has been a great schooling for me’

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putting together a food review(due to the dual-light, power-pack fuelled two camera set-updominating the room) so wewere treated to an extended version of the Deluxe Tastingmenu. The usual menu costs £55per person, and is one of themore popular options for Arsttime diners and those wanting toshare. But not all of the dishes detailed in this review are part ofthe Deluxe Taster menu.The Arst dish was Edamame(young soybeans in the pod witha salt coating) with soramametempura (deep fried fava beans)and pork scratchings. It was a delightful Otsamuni (snack)which provided an intriguingblend of the healthy and thenaughty.Next we sampled Beef FilletTataki with Onion Ponzu and Garlic Chips (£12.50). Tataki is amethod of searing the outside ofthinly sliced raw beef. It’s onlygoing to provide one shortmouthful, but the beef and citrussoy-sauce (ponzu) make for a few

sweet, scintillating seconds.The Crunchy Salmon Tacos(£6.75) carried great colour andBavour; then came the SearedSalmon Sashimi (£9.25). The layersof Ash were so thin they couldhave been prepared with a potato peeler, and tasted divinewhen dipped in a Jalapeno saucethat kicked you Armly in themouth without leaving youbruised. Scott had earlier told us that thesalmon quality has actually fallenrecently, as they could not justifythe prices set by who he considers to be the best supplierin London. We can only assumethis supplier is a Grizzly Bear, asthe salmon here was excellent.Next came the Dragon Roll ofPrawn Tempura (deep fried),Grilled Unagi (freshwater eel) andWasabi Mayo topped with slicedAvocado (£8). Like eating Avechocolates from a tin of Roses,only to And you’d created the ultimate sweet, the Dragon Rollwas a beautiful symphony ofBavours. Accompanying it was

Crunchy Soft Shell Crab Maki (£8)with Fresh Kimchee, Avocado andTobiko (Byish Ash roe). It was further proof that it is indeed acrying shame that more peoplehave not ordered sushi styledishes in the last two years.The Pork Belly Steam Buns withSpicy Peanut Soy and CucumberPickle (£7) and Crispy Squid Kara-Age (deep Aeld in oil - £9.75) aretwo of the more popular dishes

and it’s easy to see why. In termsof appearance they have the lookof western dishes, with the precision of Eastern cuisine.Also on the table was Sweet CornTempura with Sweet and SourPonzu, Onions, Coriander andChilli (£6). It’s an interestingproposition – battered sweetcorn– but when it comes to deep friedfood I remain a cod or haddockman!

Dragon RollCrispy Squid Kara-Age

Pork Belly Steam Buns with Spicy Peanut Soy and Cucumber Pickle

Review: Wabi

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (40)


From a presentation perspective, perhaps thetoast of all of the delightfully arranged disheswas the Tea Smoked Lamb Chops (£13) withSweet and Sour Nasu and Spicy Miso Sauce. It’sa sublime o8ering and other than its shape,most unlike any lamb chop you’re likely to haveexperienced before. And let’s face it, at thatprice it ought to be.If there is a hearty end of the meal, we hadreached that point as we sampled the moreishChicken Tsukune (meatballs) with Yaki-Niku

sauce (a soy sauce mixed with Sake) for £8.50.Yet there was still room for dessert. We hadwarm chocolate Harumaki (spring rolls) withSoft Serve Ice Cream and Passionfruit (£6). Wealso tried the White Chocolate Brulee withGreen Apple Sorbet and Sesame Mikado (£6)and Mochi (sticky rice cakes) for £5.50. Wecouldn’t :nd fault with any of it.Stretched out, entirely bloated on a thin matmade of rice, wondering if anybody had takenmy shoes, it was di9cult to grasp the fact that

Wabi may actually have been evenbetter a few months ago.However, whilst Wabi may have losttheir three most experienced chefs,there is a new team in place andthey’re keen to make their mark.Whilst some crave the opportunity inLondon, others are evidently eager tograb the reins and succeed wheretheir much-hailed predecessors have– in a business sense – not been aroaring success.On previous visits I have found thesta8 to be a little aloof, but on this occasion the service sta8 were verypleasant and informative - only toohappy to talk about the food theyhave obviously been trained to knowabout. Wabi has failed to realise its dream ofbecoming one of the country’s toprestaurants. That may happen in London – time will tell. But here in Horsham we’ve been leftwith a rather pleasant Izakaya – aJapanese bar serving magni:centco*cktails and serving what is still, atleast by small town standards, stunningfood. Toby believes it is as good as any foodwe have eaten at an AAH review - andwe’ve been to two Michelin starredrestaurants.It may have taken some knocks, butWabi still packs a punch.

Tea Smoked Lamb Chops


Wabi has becomerenowned for its


AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (41)


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AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (42)

Your Hearing SpecialistsThe HorshamHearing Centre 22 Worthing Road HorshamWest SussexRH12 1SL


01403 218700

The Horsham Hearing Centre in WorthingRoad (opposite the Horsham Library) continues to be at the forefront of hearingaid technology and expertise.In recent years, we have seen huge advancements with modern hearing aids o7ering vastly superior clarity of sound inever-smaller and more comfortable designs. At the Horsham Hearing Centre, we o7er theunique “HD” (high de9nition) hearing aidsby SeboTek, an innovative US Companywho have developed the best-soundinghearing aid on the market. These hearingaids are very small and discreet, yet o7er HDsound quality. If you wear hearing aids butwould like things to sound more natural,book a free trial 9tting of the SeboTek HDhearing instruments - exclusively at theHorsham Hearing Centre.Mobile phone technology is also helping todrive the hearing aid industry forward at arapid rate. The Horsham Hearing Centre isnow o7ering the remarkable SurfLink Mobile, a new device which streams yourTV, music or mobile phone straight to yourhearing aids. This will mean that peoplewith hearing di8culties can use a mobilephone – just like anyone else. It is exciting for our clients, as technology is9nding way to make dealing with hearingloss easier. It is also an exciting product foranyone looking for a true “hands-free” mobile phone device. To arrange a freedemonstration of SurfLink Mobile, pleasecall us or call in to the centre. Having originally started the Horsham Hearing Centre back in 1995, I am now running it together with seven other established hearing centres across the South

of England. Our company, HearcentresLimited operates each individual hearingcentre while ensuring they retain their local,independent identities. We also have a “sister company” in Horsham,Hearing Electronics Limited, which manufactures and supplies specialist custom-9t earpieces for a wide range of applications.From earpieces for TV presenters at the BBC,ITV and Sky, to communication earpieces forthe Vodafone McLaren Mercedes FormulaOne team, we have the expertise and experience to deal with any ear-related requirement.I have always kept to my original philosophythat we are in business to help people tohear better and that it should be a long-term relationship with our customers. It istestament to this core philosophy that wesee many clients who have been with ussince the early days, now wearing their thirdor fourth pair of hearing aids, still coming inregularly for their check-up appointments.

We are now o7ering the only “CompleteHearing Care” service in Horsham. Noother company can provide you with theservice and expertise we have on o$er. Our Dispensers are trained to examine yourears thoroughly with video otoscopy andwe can also provide in-house clinical earcare(wax removal) if necessary. We have the largest selection of hearing aidtechnology to choose from and our unrivalledongoing aftercare service ensures that youwill always be happy with your hearing system.The Horsham Hearing Centre is the onlyhearing centre in the area to have a quali%edand experienced Dispenser availableevery day to respond to your needs. I amalso available by appointment, if you wouldlike to see me to discuss your hearing.Why not book a complimentary initial consultation? Our impartial advice, unri-valled experience and unbeatable aftercareservice will all impress you and the resultscould be life changing!

By Jonathan OrmerodHorsham Hearing Centre

Complimentary Initial Consultation: Call 01403 218700

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (43)

The Roundabout Talking News is a volunteer-run registered charity which has provided afree weekly recording to the visually impaired since 1978.A team of 50 volunteers are involved in theservice, providing about 150 listeners a 30minute reading with the best of the newsheadlines from the West Sussex CountyTimes, as well as the obituaries and key entertainment listings.A further half an hour is 9lled with a varietyof informative and occasionally humorousarticles, sourced by the volunteers from magazines, specialist publications and theinternet.For many years, the recordings were madeonto cassette tapes, but in recent timeslisteners have been given the news on memory sticks. The sticks are played on easyto use stereos given out free of charge.Chairman John Dean said: “We’re limited to

4,000 words as that is the maximum we can9t on to the one hour cassettes, which a fewlisteners still use.“When we have completely switched over tomemory sticks it will be more open-ended,but still, we don’t want to drown them innews! There is very little sport as most of thelisteners are not interested in it. Some are,but you can’t do bespoke recordings. Wekeep the articles quite short and snappy byediting them down to about 250 words perstory.“The West Sussex County Times has beengood to us over the years. They agreed to ourrequest to use their articles. We have alwaysmet up on a Thursday night and did thinkabout moving back another day when theWest Sussex County Times started publishingon a Thursday rather than a Friday, but wehave 50 volunteers working on this and sothe Thursday routine is well established.”

There are several teams involved in the production of the Roundabout Talking Newsevery Thursday. Firstly, a Preparation Teamarrives at about 4.30pm to sort the postalwallets returned from listeners which containeither tape cassettes or memory sticks.Meanwhile, an Editing Team selects articlesfrom the newspaper and edits them downbefore the Readers digitally record the newsin the studio. The Magazine Team comes in shortly after6pm to record their articles. Sound Techniciansthen create master copies of the recordingson cassette tape and on memory stick. TheFast Copying Team arrive the followingmorning and use fast copying machines tocopy the recordings on to cassette tapes andmemory sticks, before placing them all intothe postal wallets.We spoke to some of the volunteers aboutthe service they provide...

It’s Good to TalkRoundabout Talking News


If you know someone who is registered blind or partially sighted and would like to know moreabout Roundabout Talking News, visit www.roundabouttalkingnews.co.uk or call Secretary

Martyn Field on 01403 891306 or Chairman Jon Dean on 01403 266924.

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (44)

Group Discussion

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“We have received some statistics fromWest Sussex County Council that state thatthere are about 2,300 people in the Horsham area that are visually impaired. Iwould suggest that about half of that number are long-term visually impaired.So there are potentially about 1,200 people who could bene2t from what wedo. So our challenge is to get the messageout to more of them. That’s di1cult as youhave to rely on the friends and family of avisually impaired person to let them knowabout the service. As well as the local newsheadlines, we have a magazine sectionwith light-hearted messages too. The OldieMagazine is a good source for articles –and we also use the internet to 2nd somearticles about the visually impaired. Every-one here is a volunteer so funding is im-portant. At the moment we are doing okay,but if it does take o0 and we get 1,000 newlisteners, we would need a lot of newspeaker systems as we give those out forfree, as well as more memory sticks, andthat would require funding. There’s nodoubt that it’s worth doing and until thelast listener goes we’ll keep going!”

Martyn Field

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“About 18 months ago we switched over tomemory sticks. We used cassette tapes upuntil then. It’s so much easier with the memorysticks and the quality is so much better. Everylistener gets a stereo for free and you just putthe memory stick in the top and listen. Wehave about 15 people who still use tapes andwe’re busy transferring them all over. Somepeople have problems with new technologybut once they realise how easy it is to usethey are happy. There are 119 memory stickusers now and only 15 on tape. We also havea couple of people who listen on the website.On Thursday, a small team prepares the walletswith all of the addresses attached to themand then another small team comes in on aFriday morning and transfers the 5nishedrecordings to memory sticks. We have a computer that can copy the news to elevenmemory sticks at a time and it does this in lessthan a minute. A memory stick is then putinto every wallet and they are all put in themail bag and taken to the sorting o4ce. RoyalMail delivers them for free and the listenersusually receive them on a Saturday morning.They send the wallets and memory sticksback to Collyers and we collect them fromthere.”

Howard Brake


“I’ve been involved here from the start – 33years I think. There was an advert in the localpaper when they were setting it up. I remember going to an audition and they gotenough readers and put us in teams of four.That’s been the set-up ever since and I am in ateam that reads on the third Thursday of eachmonth. I trained as an elocutionist, so I speakwith clarity and I am careful at the beginningand ends of sentences. Reading the news isquite serious and we’re not supposed to inject anything that would lead people tothink one way or the other. It is important tobe neutral. The listeners do get to know yourvoice. I have met some of them at the committee meetings, which is interesting. Isaid to one ‘Hello, my name is Barbara’ and hesaid ‘yes I know, I’ve been listening to you readfor years!’ I still enjoy doing it – I wouldn’tthink of giving it up!”

Barbara Lunn

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AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (46)

Group Discussion

“We are appealing to people who know someonewith a visual impairment whomight like to receive a copy ofthe Talking News. It does centre on the West SussexCounty Times and if you don’twant to read that it’s notgoing to be of that much interest to you. But I am partof a team that works on the magazine which forms thesecond half of the service. Wedo half an hour’s worth of justabout everything. We talkabout where we’ve been on

holiday, and pick out stu5from every kind of publicationyou can imagine. We try tokeep the magazine parts quitelight-hearted. This evening I’mreading an article on the typeof long-life bulb that gives thebest light and on my last visit Iwas talking about a visit to Osborne House, so it’s very diverse. I’m in Team Two andwe all bring in articles and Idecide the order so it’s very7exible. Other teams are farmore scripted, but we’re quitespontaneous!”

Carol Dilley

C.A. WoolgarPainter and DecoratorEstablished in 1979

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“I came here to help from the start.There was a steering committeeinitially and they set the wholething up, getting the money fromHorsham Round Table. The 6rstRoundabout Talking News wasbroadcast on December 15th1978. Social services knew thatthere were a number of visuallyimpaired people in the HorshamDistrict and one of the things theycouldn’t obviously get was thelocal newspaper, so these Talkingnews groups were set up all overthe country. There are about 500now and we are governed by theTalking Newspaper Federation. Wefund it through donations. Somedonations are from the visually impaired people who receive thenews, as they are very pleasedwith what we give them. We alsomake money through street

collections and at this time of yearcharity Christmas cards help too.We used cassettes for many yearsbut now of course we have memory sticks. That meant a biginvestment but we managed toget a grant for the memory sticksand the stereos for them. We sendthem out quite quickly, but it usually takes a couple of weeks forthem to come back so we needabout four memory sticks per person. So with 150 subscriberswe need about 600 memory sticksto ensure we also have plenty instock. It’s a very important servicefor our listeners. One lady I wentto see said she doesn’t get to talkto many people during the weekso she listens to the Talking Newsseveral times over. Over time thevoices reading the news becomevery familiar to the listeners.”

John Dean

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (47)

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AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (48)

Two years ago, an eleven-year-old Stag calledPoseidon produced antlers with 50 points,breaking a British record that had stood for 119years.Still, he was not a pretty animal. He would oftenhave a crow perched on top of his antlers, andthe bird would nibble away at the points, gradually rounding them o3.Jonathan Lucas, owner of the 215-acre WarnhamDeer Park, would regularly see Poseidon strutting gracefully across the stunning, Oak-laden Deer Park with the crow chipping away atthe antlers which held considerable value;Jonathan had once turned down £10,000 froma Norwegian marksman wanting to claim thetrophy.“I kept seeing him just outside the house with acrow perched on top of those antlers,” saidJonathan. “The crow would look at me and juststart pecking, and I would be screaming ‘leavehim alone! He’s going to be a 50 pointer!’“The number of points for the British antlerWarnham is famous for its record-breaking Deer (Photo courtesy of Warnham Park)

Survivalof theFittestThe Story of Warnham Deer Park

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herds for over 100 years andthere has been a great history ofexchanging animals, so there is alot of shared history betweenWoburn and Warnham. “If there is only one other sourceof Red Deer with the right pedigree then it makes sense towork with them as we avoid running the risk of a closed herdgetting too inbred. Things can gowrong very suddenly.”The Lucas family has a long andillustrious history in Warnham. Warnham Court was built in 1825and twelve years later a Deer Parkwas established in the surrounding grounds for a herdof fallow deer. Charles ThomasLucas bought Warnham Court in1865, when there were only 30Red Deer in the park.With his son, Charles JamesLucas, Charles Thomas expandedthe estate, purchasing manyproperties including WarnhamPlace Farm from Sir P.F. Shelley(the son of the great poet).But in 1851, a hunt would lead toan event that would change thecourse of Lucas family history. ARed Deer Stag owned by LordLeicester of Holkham Park,

Norfolk jumped into the park forrefuge from hunters and was subsequently given to his newowner. The stag was kept for huntingand was joined by three purchasedhinds (female Red Deer). Over theyears, when any animal was killedby The Warnham Stag Hounds(formed in 1870) they were replaced with deer from otherEnglish parks and some wildhinds from Scotland, creating abroad genetic base to the herd asthe Fallow Deer were reduced.There were dramas outside of theDeer Park too. On Christmas Dayin 1901, a Cre broke out in the billiard room of Warnham Court.The blaze claimed, among otherpossessions, a painting by the Venetian artist Canaletto. When you read that one of hispaintings sold for £18.6million in2005, you can understand whyJonathan remarks that “I wouldquite like to have the Canaletto inmy collection!”The Warnham Court Fire Brigadehad been created in 1897, with ahorse-drawn cart and a crewmade up of estate workers. It maynot been of much use during the


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record established in 1892 was the so-calledGreat Warnham Head. In 2011, I Cnally producedanother 47 point antler, as well as Poseidon, whohad 50 points but looked hideous. “I can see the magniCcence in a large antler butit still needs symmetry too. I don’t like a forest oflittle tiny bumps like Poseidon. When he was inhis prime with 35 points, he looked wonderful.”Breaking the record for the number of points isnot the ultimate goal at Warnham Park Estatewhich has been world-renowned for its RedDeer for over a century.Alongside the Deer Park, Jonathan has developeda modern stud, breeding genetically superbdeer for international sale. These deer are exported to improve other herds developed forthe production of trophies, velvet and venison. Jonathan said: “In the world of Red Deer we areright at the very peak. I would qualify that bysaying that we are at the top with one other estate and that is Woburn Abbey Deer Park inBedfordshire. The two have been the pre-eminent

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=re at Warnham Court, but in 1904 the crewresponded quickly to a huge =re at KneppCastle. Their e;orts were commendable butthey couldn’t save Knepp’s own extensivecollection of valuable Holbein paintings! The =re engine is still in the hands of theLucas family, at the Warnham Park Estate.After the Second World War, Jonathan’sgrandfather sold the Grade II listed Georgianmansion house at Warnham Court. He didthough maintain the land for the Deer Park.Jonathan said: “There was a very grim economic outlook at the time that mygrandfather sold it. He felt he needed toand it was the right decision at the time.“I’ve since learnt that he actually o;ered thewhole estate to go with it, so it could have

been much worse!”As it is, Warnham Park remains one of theworld’s =nest deer parks in the hands of theLucas family.Jonathan is one of four children. He has abrother in Dallas, and two sisters. One has alivery on the estate and the other lives inWiltshire, but Jonathan is responsible forrunning the Estate.He said: “I’m a trained land agent, and waspreviously a partner at (Arundel-basedproperty experts) Cluttons. I found that itwas getting increasingly di<cult to havetwo masters. I knew that my future was hereas ultimately the reason I became a landagent was to get myself quali=ed to be ableto come back home and take control of the

estate.“We have a full-time deer herd manager,and really everything else is done on a part-time basis. So we don’t have our ownforester or property maintenance sta;, asthey would tie up properties. The most crucial revenue opportunity is now ourbricks and mortar.“We have a portfolio of farm houses andcottages both in the village and on farmsand one or two other interesting propertieslike the Old Warnham Mill.”The Deer Park itself supports a winter herdof about 200, comprising of 20 - 25 breeding stags, 85 - 90 breeding hinds and90 young stock, increasing up to 280 animals each summer with calves. But it is

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (51)

Warnham Park

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the modern stud deer farm, builton a small 72 acre site next to theDeer Park at Bailing Hill, whichhas taken Warnham’s Red Deerenterprise to the next level.“The stud farm is on an old dairyfarm which was too small 25years ago to be viable, so it wasclosed, and it turned out to be agood move,” said Jonathan. “The motive was to establish asecond, Tuberculosis accreditedherd of Red Deer, with the sameselected genes. This was vital inorder for us to be able to continueselling live animals to NewZealand, which was a market thathad opened up for us when thestud farm opened in 1986.“I went around New Zealand onmy motorbike in 1980 as a youngman, with a lot of photographs ofthe deer in my back pocket. “When I arrived in New Zealand,the government there was

opposed to imports as they felt itwas a disease risk. But by the timeI was <nished six months laterthere was a great demand andtherefore there was the nucleusof an idea and it was a matter ofconsidering how it could be controlled. “They were worried about TB andFoot and Mouth Disease so theysaid they would only take animalsfrom a TB-accredited source. Thatis why we developed the studfarm.“We now own a pure WarnhamPark herd in New Zealand, whichhas produced a number of record-breaking animals (Hotspur, a Stagwith 50% Warnham Park bloodline, grew the heaviest antlersever recorded in 2006).“ Traditionally our major exportareas are in Europe - mainly Germany, Austria and Spain. Morerecently I’ve sold to Latvia and

The trophy room at Warnham Park

Heracles is impressive, but ‘a wimp’ in the Deer Park(Photo courtesy of Warnham Park)

‘The deer will decide who is the master stag in the park’

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (52)


Czech Republic. A lot of our business comesfrom cultures where there is a tradition ofhunting, and there are new opportunities,particularly in the Eastern Bloc where landshave been reclaimed.”It is through the New Zealand farm that theyare able to enter the velvet market. Velvet isharvested from antlers in early growth andexported to Korea, where it is considered anhealth tonic. Velvet harvesting is banned inEurope but Jonathan defends the practice.“Unfortunately, in the minds of most people

in the West, velvet production is classed in thesame category as rhino horns, but there arefundamental di3erences. The 4rst is that it isa harvest from a living animal, with the aid ofdrugs, so it need not be painful or destructive. “Secondly, it is a farmed animal so it is notout in the wild or endangered. There is nomoral equivalence in my view between the indefensible shooting of a rhino or elephantand harvesting for velvet. “Over the years, the number of deer shot atWarnham has fallen too. Jonathan said:

“Trophy shooting at Warnham is really just afringe operation. But if there is an old stag inthe park with a good antler and someone isprepared to pay several thousand pounds totake away the trophy then I’m very happy,because I want the animal to be spared being beaten up in the next rut because he’stoo old to defend himself properly. “We have to cull. Any enterprise in a 4xedacreage producing animals will always havea surplus. You don’t wait for animals to starveand die so obviously if you’re creating - as we

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The entrance to Warnham Park

Jonathan’s grandfather hunting in New Zealand in 1912(Photo courtesy of Warnham Park)

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Warnham Park

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are - 150 new animals each year, thenwe have to lose that many too. “So which animals do you take out andhow? As many as possible of the youngones are sold for breeding. Old ones aretaken out of the equation, and surplusyoung ones are sold to the localbutcher, so we get down to our wintercarrying capacity. “What I’m really in the business of doingis producing young animals with greatgenetic potential and heredity to sell onto those wanting to improve their existingstock or, if they have a foundation herd,they are starting o4 with the best.”Picking the best, at least in terms of itsstrength as opposed to its genetic line,is not always easy. October marks theheight of the rutting season, whenstags 5ght for the right to breed withthe females in the herd. Anything canhappen in the park.“In the park, the deer will decide who isthe master stag and I have no controlover that,” said Jonathan.“On the stud farm I am totally in control.I have single sire mating, I can matchcalves to dams (mothers) and recordtheir progeny, so I can get to the pointwhere I know exactly which hinds areproducing good stags and which arenot. “Sometimes there are big disappoint-

ments in the park. You can help to create – we’lllet Mother Nature take the bulk of the credit - afabulous young animal, and this animal agreeswith you, so he’ll prance around the park untilhe decides that he is going to take on a bigger,older stag. He’s inevitably the one that getsbeaten up in the rut and you have to shoot because he has a broken leg.“It is uncanny how often it’s the very bestyoung up-and-coming animal this happens to.But I need to get them to the point when theyare competing in the park in order to put their

genetics in the herd.“That is not the case on the stud farm. I cantake something fantastic out of the park whenit is young and use it as a sire and then put itback into the park in middle age. You hope hewill adapt. It’s quite extraordinary though howoften you 5nd that these fabulous young stags,when they are returned to the park, are ab-solutely useless! “They have never had to 5ght. They don’t holdtheir own as they haven’t learnt. They are toopassive.

Jonathan Lucas in front of the Park house

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“I have a wonderful stag, called Heracles, theson of Hercules (one of Warnham’s greateststags, who had an antler width of 62 inches). “He is an amazing animal but he is not holding hinds now he is in the park – he is acomplete wimp! “To be master stag I think the animal requiresbody weight and stamina more than anythingelse. The master stag will change during eachrut in this very competitive environment.”The incredible trophy room includes theantlers of some of the greatest deer Warnham – or any other park for that matter –has produced. But perhaps the most astonishing are two interlocking sets ofhorns. During a rut several years ago, ayoung and extremely promising stag took onan older stag. “Such was the force of the collision, Jonathanand the herd manager could not separatethem. One took a trez tine (third stage antler)through the eye, and they died together.”Such experiences are why Jonathan is always nervous at rutting time. The 7nestRed Deer can fetch huge sums of money – in2008, the son from a Warnham Park embryo hind sent to New Zealand, sold atauction for 80,000 New Zealand Dollars.But one day it will be somebody else’s turnto worry. Jonathan considers it to be a huge

privilege to run the Deer Park and it is a privilege he intends to keep in the Lucasfamily.“When I talk about passion it’s because itre8ects my own approach. There are generations before me who have donethis, and it is an inherited passion. It’s awonderful challenge to see if you can create an even better stag next year.“When you come through the gates you realise what a huge privilege it is, and withprivilege comes responsibility.

“ One is absolutely a custodian. This is an inheritance and I assume it will continue tobe. “I have three children and I have no doubtthat my eldest son, Charles, will take it on.He is equally keen on the deer and almostas knowledgeable. So that is a real motivefor doing things beyond the pro7t motive– to leave the place better than you foundit.“If each generation aspires to do that thenisn’t that a way of living?”

Jonathan with the �re engine that responded to a �re at Knepp Castle in 1904

‘This is an inheritance and I assume it will continue to be’

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (55)

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AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (56)


Turquoise is, apparently, a very trendycolour at the moment.One fashion magazine recently declaredthat it is now “okay to use turquoise”, tothe great relief of Aston Villa footballclub, parakeets and tropical island beachresorts.It’s also timely for Keith and Debra Menear, as the turquoise Raku ware theyproduce from their home-based studio inStorrington has found many new admirers.It even attracted the attention of the or-ganisers of the Leonardo exhibition atthe National Gallery in London.Raku ware is not all that Menear Ceramicsis known for. Since forming >ve years agoafter Keith was made redundant, the husband and wife team have created terracotta pots, porcelain decoration,stoneware bowls and alpine planters.However, it’s been an unusual path intopottery for the couple, and Keith in particular.“I had done adult education courses inpottery in Welling Garden City after University,” said Debra. When we movedto Horsham in 1986 I found an eveningclass at Forest School. So I went there anddragged Keith along with me. “Somebody at work knew that I was interested in pottery and told me ofsomeone who had a wheel and a kilnthat they wanted to get rid of, so wepicked them up and got into it that way.”But for many years it remained a hobby.Debra worked for Royal and Sun Allianceand Keith was at Novartis. Debra leftwork to have children and was able tospend more time doing pottery. But >veyears ago, when Keith was made

redundant, the Menear family had a di=cult decision to make.Keith said: “We had to decide if I was togo back and do what I was doing before -I’m a chemist by trade – or do we dosomething a bit more life changing. “We had faith, perhaps naively, that wecould sell these things that we were making. Up until the point when I made acommitment to do this pretty much full-time, we had not sold anything. Itwas a leap of faith. But it was somethingthat we felt we had to do.“We did a show at Lancing and started totake a stall at various craft fairs just to geta feel for where the market was. Therewas a lot of good feedback. We used tomake just brown pots, because I used tolike them, but you have to realise thatpeople like di<erent things.“We started o< with brown bowls and realised that they were not commercial.We had a few items on the stall that wehad made incidentally and people hadpicked up on them. That was the Rakuware, which we learnt from potter BenBarker.“Raku is a technique where you take thepots out of the kiln when they are still redhot and you put them into sawdust, andthey catch >re. It’s the interaction between the ?ames and smoke that givesthis copper, turquoise pattern on the surface so each piece has its own uniquepattern. People tapped into that andliked that.”Raku originated in Japan in the 16th Century. It is said that the >red tea bowl>rst came into being when the Japanesetea master Sen Rikyu asked the tile maker

Artisticchemistrygood enough for


AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (57)

Menear Ceramics

Chojiro to make him a tea bowl for a tea ceremony. With these tea bowls, Chojirosubsequently became the <rst generationRaku ware master. Up until Rikyu, a tea bowl was always Karamono (Chinese things) or Kouraimono(Korean things). So Rikyu’s Raku tea bowlwas the <rst one ever made especially forthe tea ceremony.“It’s a slow method, “said Keith. “You have topluck out each individual pot whilst they arered hot. It’s not a method that can be usedto manufacture large numbers so it lostfavour. Now it is being resurrected. “It’s such a dynamic way of generating interesting surfaces and lots of studio pottershave adopted it.”

“We had the Raku ware on our website andthe National Gallery was looking for a rangeof ceramics to match the colour palette forthe Leonardo exhibition. So they contactedus and asked if we could take them somesamples, which we did. “They selected a couple of designs and sizesthey were interested in so for the duration ofthe exhibition we supplied items for theGallery shop. They were selling from £25-£50, which was a price range they werehappy with. “It was good to get exposure as obviouslythere was a lot of publicity for the exhibitionand all of the queues were adjacent to theshop and we were in a nice, prominent position.”

The raku ware has also featured in an exhibition at Horsham Museum and ArtGallery, along with alpine planters made byDebra. The Menears have also displayed atGreen Tree Gallery at Borde Hill Gardens, TheForge gallery in Walberton, OxmarketGallery in Chichester and The Cooper Galleryin Barnsley.But since starting the business, they haveboth excelled in di;erent skills and continueto diversify.“Keith is far better on the wheel than I am,”admits Debra. “Most of my work is hand-built and Keith’s work is done on the wheel.We’ve tried to keep the work separate, sothat I don’t make the same pots as he does.So I say ‘hands o; terracotta pots’ as that’s

‘Raku is a technique where you take the pots out ofthe kiln when they are still red hot’

AAH November 2012 - [PDF Document] (58)


my area. So although we are a companywe have our di)erent areas of expertise.“The business was initially ceramicsand plants, as I had an interest in growing plants. I always found that theones available at the garden centreswere plain and a bit dull and I thoughtI could make them better myself. “I didn’t want to do round terracottapots – I wanted to do somethingquirky and di)erent and more decorative. Because of the pots, we cansell at plant fairs as well as ceramic andcraft fairs.“With the Raku ware we’ve been fortunate that turquoise is a big colourin home furnishing at the moment,which has helped us I think. There is anelement of doing what we want to dobut there is a commercial side to it aswhat you make needs to sell.“I’ve just started working in porcelainand the Christmas decorations are selling very well. I want to get moreinto porcelain and maybe get into thewedding market.”“We do a stoneware range in pastelcolours as well, “adds Keith. “We sell inthree colours – eggshell blue, limegreen and a pink. We tried to develop acolour range of soft matt glazes thatwe make ourselves. Because of mybackground as a chemist I like to

‘I always foundthat the pots

available at thegarden centreswere plain and

a bit dull’

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Menear Ceramics

experiment with glazes. “We have some new prototypes and everyyear I try to develop at least one new glaze.There are always di1erent techniques weconsider. We’ve taken some of the techniquesthat glass blowers used in the early 1920s tocreate an iridescent surface on glass and applied it to ceramics.“They used to make glass vessels and fume itin an atmosphere of tin chloride at about 600degrees. The tin chloride would evaporate

and form clouds of tin vapour and that wouldsit on the surface and give this ‘oil on water’a1ect. It’s a known technique but we’ve used adi1erent glaze and developed our own range.“That iridescent e1ect is something we’ll beexploring further. Some people really like itbut others think it’s a bit too much!”After 3ve years, it is still di2cult to generatebusiness. Debra has noticed that there arefewer people treating themselves at the moment, and many artists have a similar

story to tell. But with Keith still bringing in anadditional income though consultancy work,the Menears have no regrets about goingdown the art route.“I think we’ve done the right thing,” saidKeith. “We started the business at a bad time– just before the world’s banks imploded! Butif you always wait for the right time you won’tend up doing anything.”

For more details visit the website at www.menearceramics.com

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Jewellery and fashion go hand-in-hand andbecause of that tastes are constantly changing.At the moment yellow gold is seen as being abit ‘old hat’. Younger people are not buying itand a lot of the yellow gold jewellery we seetends to be handed down. Rather than re-design yellow gold rings,which is very expensive, many people are tryingrhodium plating which involves using liquidplatinum to turn your yellow gold white. It depends on how often you use the jewellery and what job you have as to howlong the plating lasts before you begin to seethe yellow gold again. But it is a2ordable and it’s a great way to see ifyour piece of jewellery looks better in whitegold. Then you can make it more permanent ifyou wish.Gold is naturally a yellow colour and is thenformulated into di2erent colours, includingwhite gold, by the addition of adding othermetals in order to reach the desired colour. Gold is expressed in carats with pure goldbeing 24 carats. Rhodium is a brilliant white metal that is partof the platinum family.The beauty of rhodium plating is that it re-conditions your ring to the condition it shouldbe in. You may have a piece of jewellery that is3ve years old or 100 years old - it can alwaysbe brought back to its original form by simplycleaning, polishing and rhodium plating.It’s especially good for less expensive items aswhen it fades, the rhodium plating will needto be reapplied if you wish to maintain thewhite colour. It does depend on the quality ofthe gold and how quickly you experience a

loss of colour. Grade 1 white gold will needless rhodium plating and sometimes does notneed to be reapplied at all. Grade 3 or 4 whitegold will need frequent rhodium plating asthe true colour will show through quitequickly in normal wear. But it only costs £35 which includes polishingo2 any remaining rhodium and polishing out

all of the scratches and then reapplying a newcoat. We are probably doing about 20 a week and Ibelieve we are the only place in Horsham todo it on site. I say to people ‘you can drop thering in, pop o2 and do your shopping andcome in on the way back to the car!’If you would like more information on this orany of our other services, do visit us at 45 TheCarfax in Horsham or visit our website at www.sakgems.com




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Horsham has always been famed for itsmarkets, which are seeing a renaissancewith the Local Produce Market in particular attracting high-pro7letraders.But the town is also reconnecting withits past by promoting the art form thatis window dressing.Contemporary businesses compete in afriendly competition called Dressed forSuccess, which is run by Horsham District Council to encourage businessesto decorate ground-8oor front facadesin a fun, festive theme.Unknown to most of the 60 or so businesses taking part though is thetown’s amazing international reputationfor window dressing.Horsham was made for shopping.It was laid out in about 1206 on a large,empty patch of ground that was designed to attract market stall holders.It was an immediate success. Traders decided to stay in Horsham andopen shops. The Weald and DownlandOpen Air Museum in Chichester includes

a reconstructed medieval butchersshop from Horsham. It shows that theshop windows were open, unglazedand exposed to the elements. We know that some 400 years later,Southwater resident Bernard Lintotdressed his London bookshop and hisdisplay featured in a poem called ‘TheDunciad’ by the celebrated English poetPope. In an era of black and white, Lintotwould paste the titles of the books hesold, in red on to a wooden post in hisshop, thus providing an eye-catchingscene that caught the shopper’s eye. Through Georgian and Victorian times,shop windows were generally smaller.In 1911, Horsham cobbler HenryBurstow wrote: “All the shops were lowpitched, very little attempt at display ofgoods was made in the small window,made up of small panes of glass. Some few tradesmen ‘illuminated’ atnight, but only with tallow dips or rushlights. The doors were mostly divided laterally in halves. Some, the

Windows MessagingLong before the age of computers, Horsham tradersrealised the importance of a colourful window display


S. Price Printing O#ce on West Street(All images courtesy of Horsham Museum/Horsham District Council)

F.G Feist Ironmongers go for the cluttered look

By Jeremy Knight, Horsham Museum

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H. Clark Fishmongers in the Carfax; London Central Meat Co in Middle Street; The fascinating C.A Phillips store in East Street

more modern, were divided vertically, afew, later, had glass in the upper portions,but as yet there was not a bit of plate glassin the town.’This didn’t stop Horsham’s creativity. If thewindows could not be used to showcasetheir goods to the best advantage, thenextravagant displays held in halls woulddo the trick. In May 1885 an Empire Bazaar was held inthe assembly rooms of the Kings Head inHorsham. Stall holders came up with innovative ways to promote their goods. The local paper reported that Mrs Kingsbury's Oriental stall selling Alexandrian goods was erected in an Eastern-booth.Mrs Aldridge and Mrs Lyonhad a corner arranged in ‘tawny Indianfashion’ with a glittering background ofspangled gold and black.Many shops in the town realised how important it was to improve their frontage.It was reported: ‘Middle-Street has just undergone considerable improvement;new o<ces having been erected on thesite of the grocer’s shop, and a handsomenew glass-plate front having been placedin the shop of Messrs. Dendy, milliners, on

whose premises it will be rememberedthat Mr W.D. Baker, jeweller, and Mr RLaker, Printer, formerly carried on business.”Larger windows allowed for the shopkeepers to develop the art of windowdressing and display during the early 20thCentury.It was around this time that photographycame of age and shop keepers were beingpictured in front of their premises, oftenbedecked in mounds of products. The ideathat ‘less is more’ had not reached Horsham;every inch had to be =lled by somethingfor sale, rather than act as a backdrop togive >avour, tell a story or inspire theshopper. Horsham shopkeepers though were awareof other towns becoming popular destinations for shoppers. Easy rail trademeant that Horsham was competing withBrighton, Guildford, Worthing and ofcourse London. So in 1909 Horsham Chamber of Trade wasformed and the following year HorshamShopping Week was organised on the 4th-7th May. The week long event included a WindowDressing competition where, according to

Horsham Indoor Arcade in East Street (Picture: Horsham Museum/HDC)

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Horsham Window Dressing

Cramp’s jewellery store in West Street; West Street shop window displays (All images courtesy of Horsham Museum/Horsham District Council)

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the promotional lea7et, traders ‘will make agrand display such as has never been seenbefore’. By 31st of March there were 43 competingwindows, being judged by Mr. Cox of Guildford and Mr Kingham of Dorking. Thus would start over 30 years of windowdressing displays and competitions, makingfull use of the changing technology that sawlarge plate glass windows becoming thenorm. Either with the formation of the Chamber ofTrade or soon after, the Horsham Associationof Display Men was formed.

The Display Men even had day outings andsocial events organized according to theChamber of Trade minuets. Unfortunately, no documents relating to thegroup have surfaced, though they are referredto in various reports on window dressing andpromotional events. One such example wasthe British Empire themed Horsham ShoppingWeek. It seems to have been one of the most ambitious uses of display when it ran inMarch 1926. In 1922 the town had run a similar event, but this time the aim was toshow what the British Empire could provide

the Horsham customer. The Chamber of Trade and the Urban DistrictCouncil ran the week to stimulate trade, improve window displays and give betterservice to the public. Displays were judged on their selling force,originality, workmanship, ticket and showcards and general attractiveness.In the Things to Eat category, Humphrey &Co in West Street won, ahead of J. H. Sayersin West Street.In the Things to Wear section, Phelps & Son inthe Carfax took the honours with Tanner &Chart in Middle Street in second.

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In the Things to Use Category, E. T. Lane &Sons of West Street won, with Horsham GasCompany in London Road named runners-up.There were also prizes awarded by variouscompanies such as Nestles Milk Ltd for themost attractive display of their goods, whichwas won by H W Timbrell of New Street.The town authorities and the Chamber ofTrade continued to use window dressing tocomplement and promote aspects of its activities. In June 1928 it was announced thatHorsham Association of Display Men were arranging a window dressing competition forCricket Week. In April the following year they were calledupon to promote the Council’s Health Week. As The Depression struck, Horsham continuedto promote and market itself as a shopper’sparadise. Just as today’s ‘Retail Tsars’ are telling highstreets to create additional features to attractshoppers away from the internet, HorshamChamber of Trade tackled this with windowdressing competitions, as well as a magazinefor shoppers called The Signpost and laterThe Horsham Journal. In October 1938 the Chamber of Trade announced that agreement had beenreached to introduce ‘Colour Scheme Weeks’

as well. Another innovation agreed upon wasfor a whole page of advertisem*nts in theCounty Times with some 40 shop keepers involved.In January 1939 the Horsham Journal reported: “A new special feature of the (art)school is the window-dressing class, which a=ords shop assistants an excellent opportunityof studying window dressing, ticket writingand experimenting with colour schemes.”The story of Horsham shop windows afterWorld War II is still to be researched, though aselection of photographs show how the win-dows changed and recently a comic print byDr Geo=rey Sparrow has surfaced whichshows one such window being dressed. Some 60 years on, Horsham is using its heritage of window displays once again toride out a recession and in doing so attractnew trade to the town. In 1932 Horsham opened a new market, butit* traders were not part of the shop displays.In Horsham today, stall holders are getting into the spirit. So whilst it may be looking at itspast, Horsham is always taking the best fromthe old and developing something new.

Extracts of this article are taken from History of Horsham Voume 3 and Volume 5

by Jeremy Knight

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West Street in the days of Horse and Cart (Picture by Horsham Museum/Horsham District Council)

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The ‘things you probably didn’t know about Horsham that are really quite interesting’ page...

One night in 1963, a small hall in Horsham hosted

The Rolling StonesWhen the Rolling Stones will be playingfour gigs at the end of the year, in Londonand New Jersey, it is estimated they will receive about £15.5million.In 1963 – the year they Hrst make the UKTop 40 - the group had to work a littleharder for their pennies.The Rolling Stones played 308 gigs thatyear as they did all they could to make abreakthrough. On 27th July 1963, they wereat the California Ballroom in Dunstable, andon 30th July played the British Legion Hallin Slough.Then, on the 3rd August 1963, the bandcame to Horsham, playing at the StLeonard’s Hall, formerly in Cambridge Road.A reported 619 people jammed into the400 capacity hall for the gig. Peter & The Hustlers, a local band, werebooked as the opening act to The Stone's,whose Hrst single ‘Come On’ had just entered the charts. Horsham residentsGeoG Farndell, Vic Sendall, Pete Toal, GavinDaneski and Ralph Worman got a warm reception as the Hometown boys.But it was the Stones, who took to the stage

clad in pale blue shirts, dark blue leatherwaistcoats, black trousers and Chelseaboots, that stole the show of course.In an article which appeared in the WestSussex County Times in 2007, GeoG – whowas only 16 at the time - recounted the1963 gig.He said: "We were very taken with theStones. They were only kids themselves.Our style changed immediately there andthen."It was a great night. We were excited and itwas their Hrst week in the charts. I remem-

ber Mick was quite nervous on the night.He wasn't bounding about the stage like hedoes now."We knew they were musically very good,but I don't know if we thought 'they aregoing to be the biggest rock stars on theplanet', because we thought we were goingto be the biggest rock stars on the planet!”The Stones were said to have received aone oG payment of £50 between them fortheir one and a half hour set.Peter and the Hustlers later became TheBeat Merchants and enjoyed chart success,reaching number 41 in the UK charts withtheir Hrst single Pretty Face just a monthafter playing alongside the Stones.They were later fortunate that their song ‘SoFine’ was used as a B-side for the Freddieand the Dreamers hit ‘You Were Made ForMe’ which went to the top of the charts inthe US.The Beat Merchants later toured alongsideJean Vincent, Lulu and The Honeycombsand played on BBC2 music show Beat Roomin 1964, on the same night as The BeachBoys.

The Rolling Stones in 1963, the year they �rst broke into the pop charts in the UK with Come On

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Horsham 01403 282500

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.